What is this felting yarn and what do I do with it?
February 2, 2025 10:12 AM

I'm a beginner needle-felter and not much of a fiber-crafter otherwise. For Christmas, I was given a little roll of something labeled "felting yarn" from Penfelt Studio in Portland, and I can't figure out what kinds of projects it's intended for. It's already felted (not roving), about a half-inch in girth, and undyed. I cannot find this product on the internet. The closest thing I can find is this but that stuff is sold in quantities that are clearly intended for knitting, whereas mine was packaged in 3 foot increments, which I interpret to mean it was meant to be used in some other way. Help?
posted by juliapangolin to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (6 answers total)
If I didn't have ideas for needle felting projects to do with it, I'd probably check with the store it came from. Looks like they have classes and probably have advice.
posted by Archer25 at 11:25 AM on February 2

Ooh, that looks very practical for needle or wet felting. You could use it as a strap/cord for a felted bag, tentacles on a sea creature, stems for a flower piece, or cut it into little slices and use as beads or other embellishments on felted pieces. It looks like it’s probably meant to save you the effort of making felted cord?
posted by corey flood at 11:50 AM on February 2

LaBrie from PenFelt has been super helpful and responsive when I've contacted her in the past, I'd recommend contacting her!

Because I've been pretty intensely into needle felting for a couple years now, and have learned about many tools and techniques I wasn't remotely aware of when I started, but I also have no idea what that felting yarn is intended for. I could see using it to add texture to a larger piece, or as an easy starting base for something like a snake or an octopus tentacle, or maybe actually knitting or crocheting with it if I knew how, but I don't know what it's supposed to be for.
posted by rhiannonstone at 2:04 AM on February 3

You can join Ravelry and post your question in the needle felting group, although there hasn't been much activity in that group recently.
posted by FairviewPark at 9:00 AM on February 3

I wonder if it's for making rugs? Like wool felted or penny rugs? Standing wool rugs are usually made from flat wool strips, but maybe this would work?
posted by pixiecrinkle at 12:28 PM on February 3

It could also be made for needle felting decoration onto something, like onto a felted knitted piece.
posted by pixiecrinkle at 12:29 PM on February 3

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