Is my antique LG G7fit usable on any current US telephony network
December 26, 2024 8:58 AM

(GSM & CDMA, with a MEID number
posted by mojohand to Technology (4 answers total)
Assuming you have the unlocked LMQ850QM and are in America, your phone still supports the same 4G LTE bands still in use by each American provider today. If you have a different, carrier-locked version, that may differ.

You can enter your specific IMEI on many cell provider web sites to check compatibility, such as this page on my favorite low-cost phone service provider. (The G7 Fit is listed as generally being compatible.)

I miss the old LG phones. Great screens and great sound, even by today's standards.
posted by eschatfische at 9:53 AM on December 26

This phone is, in fact, a LMQ8500M , but as it does not use SIM cards, it doesn't have an IMEI. When I enter its MEID into MVNOs' compatibility pages, their reply is "Wut? Give me an IMEI!"
posted by mojohand at 12:26 PM on December 26

Are you sure it doesn't use a SIM card? AFAIK, all US LTE phones require either a SIM card or an eSIM. Page 39 of the LMQ850QM manual details installing a SIM...
posted by eschatfische at 1:05 PM on December 26

If you try to dial *#06# on your phone, it should provide you with the phone's IMEI.

Also assuming that your phone is not locked to a specific network carrier, Mint Mobile says that LG G7 Fit is compatible with their service.
posted by QueenHawkeye at 2:24 PM on December 26

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