Great examples of print newsletters?
November 1, 2024 8:07 AM

My library sends an annual newsletter out to local residents. I'd like to update its look a bit, and am searching for examples of great, brief PRINT newsletters. If you have suggestions for a library-related name for the newsletter, please drop them here.

I know I can look at any number of newsletters on the internet, but I am looking for (.pdfs of?) model newsletters that allow me to visually divide events (fundraisers, programs, etc.) over a four-page spread using one ink color.

The newsletter is our primary way of communicating with the community, but it hasn't been refreshed for a while. I'd like it to be friendly and warm, and compatible with the theme of “Color Our World.” I'd like to see examples of a print piece done well along these lines. What can you suggest?

Also, the newsletter's name leaves a lot to be desired. Library-appropriate suggestions welcome!
posted by MonkeyToes to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
“Check This Out!”
posted by GenjiandProust at 12:17 PM on November 1

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