New/used stuff
September 14, 2024 8:59 PM

I'm moving and need to buy some stuff. I like getting most stuff used but I do not enjoy shopping. Looking for advice on how to get kinda nice, used stuff with the least amount of scrolling or tooling around hipster secondhand stores ...or...not sure this is the appropriate use of but.. if you like shopping, can you help me find these specific items?

I need a few things that I prefer to get used. Do you see the item I want? Or point me to particular secondhand sellers that are a great bet for these items? Could be online or in the SF Bay Area (East Bay preferred). Stuff I need:

A set of dishes - enough for around 6 people. Need dishwasher safe and durable, but I like stuff that feels special! could be but like vintage, or colorful or more understated but unique or beautiful in some way? I don't know how to evaluate quality online (or possibly also in person). I don't know anything about dishwear brands or how to tell if something is good quality - so advice and suggestions very helpful. Budget around $100 or less I think?

A set of flatware - dishwasher safe - not super picky but like something of moderate weight that feels good in my hand. Again, I don't know how to tell from pictures on eBay if something will feel crappy when I get it. Open to utilitarian or if something feels aesthetically interesting or unique that is also cool. But yeah should also be functional.

A record player - I know nothing about sound equipment so would want the most simple set up possible instead of having to get a bunch of separate components, but would like to be able to play records. I currently have no speakers (except an old Sonos) so would have to get some speakers too I guess?

Dining table and chairs that could fit in a small spot but fold out occasionally for gatherings (like a drop leaf table probably?). Thinking seats 2 at baseline, 4 or 6 when bigger. Budget: less than $500 probably? Maybe more for something really great.

So, if you have tips for how I can efficiently find and purchase things - OR you see specific listings you think I should get - I would love your help!
posted by latkes to Home & Garden (12 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Try estate sales. This site allows you to enter your zip code. It will show you upcoming sales in your area with pictures of the items for sale so you can check sales out online first and see if they have what you're looking for.
posted by Don Pepino at 9:20 PM on September 14, 2024

I was on the other side of the Bay when I moved a couple years ago, but we had great local Buy Nothing groups there on Facebook that were terrific for getting used stuff of all sorts from folks in my neighborhood for cheap or even free, without ever thinking about spending money on Marketplace.

If you're not into using Facebook, you might check out OfferUp; you can either find things local to you and pick them up, or throw a wider net and look at things that can be shipped to you. (Disclosure: my spouse works for the company.)
posted by Inkslinger at 9:37 PM on September 14, 2024

Dishes seem to be a thing that thrift stores are really good for. Especially if "colorful" can mean "mismatched." I've seen reasonably high-quality stuff in thrift stores but also it's not a place where higher quality is going to create a huge advantage -- there's not really something a "high-quality plate" is going to do that a lower-quality plate can't. So get what you like, what feels good in your hands (both heavy and light plates can be really nice!), and what appeals to you aesthetically. The nice thing about buying them thrift is that you can replace pieces you don't like for cheap and just keep evolving your collection if you want.
posted by lapis at 10:16 PM on September 14, 2024

Especially if "colorful" can mean "mismatched."
Second that, years ago I bought a bunch of plates for half nothing that were about the same size but only one of each pattern - like a salesperson's sample chest. I thought the 'set' was understated but unique or beautiful in some way. Currently we dine off (late pattern) remaindered Fiestaware in a dozen different colours (I refuse to eat off the lime-green one).
posted by BobTheScientist at 10:47 PM on September 14, 2024

I’m not sure if this is too basic, but I feel Facebook Marketplace is the most useful tool for used item shopping (locally) these days. The app is annoying (it’s part of the main Facebook app). But, you can set a distance parameter and some search terms, and easily return a list of potential results.

This is what I would do (and have done, and actively am doing currently) when searching for used home goods.

For flatware, I would either go to an estate sale or (regrettably) visit a HomeGoods shop to try things out in person. It’s just the best way to evaluate flatware.

For plates, I would decide if I wanted something dishwasher safe or hand wash, colorful or classic, size (8.5” dinner plate or 10”? Cereal bowls or soup bowls?), sturdy or more delicate/fine, etc - and then review sales listings to identify things that meet those categories.
posted by samthemander at 11:26 PM on September 14, 2024

If you are up for a slightly higher price point for the flatware and dishes, try We used this site to add to our current flatware instead of buying new when we needed more for our household. They have a lot of decent moderately priced options and have good customer service if you are looking to match your current items and don’t know your pattern. Less scrolling for sure!
posted by cybrbananapeel at 3:54 AM on September 15, 2024

Some specific recs for you!

Dishes: Corelle in a retro design. Lightweight, chip-resistant, dishwasher safe, and they stack so efficiently!

Flatware: (I agree you should feel them in person but anways) these vintage resin-handled ones. The kind my grandma had, plus they feel good in hand and dont ever fall backwards out of dishes because the handle is lightweight (unlike SOME potterybarn forks I refuse to use again)
posted by Drosera at 5:58 AM on September 15, 2024

Craigslist/ free and Buy Nothing groups. Goodwill in wealthier towns. Fb marketplace.
posted by theora55 at 6:58 AM on September 15, 2024

I checked out Facebook marketplace for some plates:

Wedgwood porcelain. Simple but nice.
Vintage Franciscan. A whole set!
Le Creuset. Colorful.
Hand painted stoneware. It's got flowers.
Green rustic. You could negotiate these down I'm sure.

I assumed you want matching, but if not, any thrift store should have a decent selection. It is nice to have plates that stack nicely though.
posted by umwelt at 8:23 AM on September 15, 2024

You can shop thrift stores online! I'd look for Libbey glassware, Corelle or Crate & Barrel dishes, Crate & Barrel flatware. But also: Currently there are some Villeroy & Boch dish sets on there that might feel more special than your average dishes!

Audio-Technica is a good turntable brand, so you might keep an eye out for used ones. I haven't used the newer Bluetooth models, but they might be good to be able to connect to a Bluetooth speaker.

For furniture, look at AptDeco, which has apparently expanded. That's where I got most of my new-to-me furniture when I moved a few years ago.
posted by limeonaire at 10:43 AM on September 15, 2024

There's nothing wrong with buying a set of old China and using it until the pattern wears out. China and porcelain are made to last, and who cares if the fold washes off after a couple of years?

You may have an antique mall nearby that will sell all these things.
posted by Enid Lareg at 11:25 AM on September 15, 2024

One thousand percent estate sales are the way to go here for both cheap and unique.
posted by corb at 8:58 PM on September 15, 2024

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