Looking for an old webcomic
September 13, 2024 11:26 PM

My wife and I are trying to remember an old webcomic that utilized stick figures. It is not XKCD or OoTS.

Specifically, there was one where a kid says to his friend, “Life is hard on the streets. Know what I’m sayin’.” His friend replies, “Isn’t your dad an accountant?” Then the final image is of the father saying, “Paperz, yo.”

It’s been a running joke for us for a long time. But we cannot recall the origin now.
posted by ericales to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
Is it from Snaz and Paperz? I don't recognise the sketch but the name of the character fits.
posted by underclocked at 1:55 AM on September 14

Jim's Journal, as featured in the book "I Got a Job and it Was OK"?
posted by wenestvedt at 9:12 AM on September 14

Old Mountain Time strips look very XKCD to me.
posted by kite at 11:29 AM on September 14

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