Simplest possible data tracking
August 13, 2024 5:07 PM

I'm looking for an app or website for tracking arbitrary events or data over time with the lowest possible friction. I'd like to be able to set up a few categories and be able to enter events/data along in a category, with an automatic time stamp, and then export that data later.

Ideally the flow would be something like this:
1. Open the app/page
2. Select a category (set up earlier)
3. Type in some stuff, either text or numbers
4. Save that stuff with an automatic time stamp

This would be repeated maybe a few dozen times a day, so each saved click adds up.

I would like to be able to that export that data for each category and all categories as as either a spreadsheet, CSV, XML, JSON, Toml, or whatever.

This would need to work on Web and/or Android and sync across devices.

Previously, I attempted to do this using Google Sheets, but it became a pain to use on mobile.
posted by arcolz to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
When you tried to do Google Sheets, did you set up an associated Form? Forms are very easy to work with on mobile, and every time you submit a form, it’s time stamped. Here is the help page for setting up forms.
posted by moosetracks at 5:41 PM on August 13

Seconding moosetracks - I set up a google form for this type of thing years ago and still use it today. I put a shortcut on my phone, too.
posted by soelo at 8:15 PM on August 13

I use Track and Graph for this, which you can download via F-Droid.

It doesn't directly support syncing, but you can export to csv.

You can make widgets to save one step from your flow.

I'm recommending it because I've found that it takes away enough friction that stuff I otherwise couldn't be bothered to track now becomes trackable, and it sounds like that's important to you.
posted by demi-octopus at 9:41 AM on August 14

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