does a community of graphic memoirists exist?
July 6, 2024 7:18 AM

I've been working on a graphic memoir for years now. Here's a link to what I have so far (actually I have a whole new section coming, but that's the issue, or one of them...)

I would love an online community of people doing graphic memoirs. What I realize I WOULD have liked was to take a workshop with Lynda Barry, but she doesn't seem to be doing them anymore.

I would like people to talk to about technical things, like how to draw better (and FASTER -- I don't know if I'm going to live long enough (I'm 73) to finish this thing!, how to divide the space on the page better, stuff like that...

But I would also like to engage in talk about the feelings one engenders digging into the past (I get into some strange states), the frustrations about "getting it right" on the page, etc.

I really just want to TALK to people on a regular basis about all this stuff. Like, companionship through this "process."

Any thoughts appreciated!
posted by DMelanogaster to Media & Arts (10 answers total) 18 users marked this as a favorite
you may find the Center for Cartoon Studies helpful
posted by HearHere at 8:14 AM on July 6

I’ve taken the graphic memoir course at CCS and it was really helpful! But it’s just a week. You might want to try the Sequential Artists Workshop - they have an online community that is free to join, and they have a graphic memoir membership group where you meet regularly and work together via zoom. I’m also working on a graphic memoir and I’ve found a decent community on Instagram, although it is not as robust as it used to be…
posted by heurtebise at 9:19 AM on July 6

I spent all morning sneaking away to read what you’ve posted so far, I hope you can find a community to support your story because I want to keep reading it!
posted by lepus at 12:22 PM on July 6

Seth Tobocman sometimes teaches an online class. It is worth the price of admission.
posted by history is a weapon at 5:11 PM on July 6

I was sorry to see this end!
posted by interrobang at 7:43 PM on July 6

This isn't answering your question but you are seriously inspiring me based on what you shared. If there were a community that you started, I would join it!
posted by oxisos at 8:29 PM on July 6

I like your memoir!
I found the book Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud really useful for thinking about how to make sequential art, such as page divisions, facial expressions, etc. It's drawn as a comic so it's a quick read and visually inspiring.
posted by nouvelle-personne at 1:21 AM on July 7

KEEP GOING it's great! I don't share your anxiety about aging/death/disease; I have other issues about aging/health. But oh how "why would anyone want to hear about my life" resonates!
Answer: because your life isn't my life, and we share some traits but not others, and you're smart and funny and by sharing your thought processes you will help me navigate some of my mental loops. Maybe, maybe not. But entertaining, definitely. You do a very good job of pacing and storytelling.
I really love linking going gray with writing, and I've been dyeing my hair since I could wrap my fingers around a bottle of Clairol temporary wash-in color (fire engine red of course). Looking forward to more of your output!
posted by winesong at 1:23 PM on July 7

Hi! I make comics too, check your MeFi mail.
posted by stinker at 12:51 AM on July 8

[[We hope you find your people, DMelanogaster! Also noting that this post has been added to the sidebar and Best Of blog!]]
posted by taz at 3:10 AM on July 9

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