Help me donate money
July 4, 2024 7:44 AM

On this patriotic day, I want to donate to help democratic elections in the U.S. My google-fu is failing to find good information about where best I can help.

I've given to Biden's campaign, Brown's Ohio Senate rate, and Jon Tester's race in Montana. I'd like to support one or two other races that are tight and could help in either the US Senate or House. For example, I'd love to see Texas kick out Cruz, but the polls I found don't support that possibility. Is there a chance? (why do they support Cruz???)

Where can I find info on tight races, or which races do you recommend supporting?
posted by hydra77 to Law & Government (10 answers total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
I like SwingLeft's Strategic Funds, which are like index funds for campaigns.
posted by rdn at 8:29 AM on July 4

The Environmental Voter Project uses an evidence-based methodology to identify and increase turnout among low-propensity voters who prioritize the environment but who do not have a history of voting.

They are non-partisan in practice but in effect are more likely to turn out voters who support addressing global warming and other issues currently supported more by Democrats.

They target swing districts. Within each district they leave some precincts untouched to function as controls for follow-up analysis of the effectiveness of their techniques. Data from previous years is available on their website.

Their long term goal is to turn non-voters into voters who will then be turned out in future elections by party apparatus. They include off-cycle and local elections in their outreach, to turn non-voters into super voters (local, primary, state, national).

They do not directly address democracy and civil society, but they are highly effective and worthy of support.
posted by Winnie the Proust at 8:46 AM on July 4

Once I gave to Biden-Harris, I got even more requests. I will go to a MaineDems fundraiser; they provide assistance for state candidates and it's a big help. Learn about your candidates for state legislature, town council, etc. Support good ones, buy yard signs for your yard, etc.

Liberals are often 'too cool for school' but good memes can be circulated, letters to the editor, bumper stickers. Humans are social and knowing how others think and feel affects how they think and feel. If you can, volunteer - calls and knocking on doors matter. Introverted volunteers can drive a candidate, send postcards, etc.

Being vocal and informed is effective because humans are social and when you show your support, it can effect change. Thanks for being active, with money and/or action.
posted by theora55 at 10:07 AM on July 4

I am a fan and supporter of the Movement Voter Project, which has a solid strategic approach (and won't result in you getting campaign spam.)
posted by gingerbeer at 10:31 AM on July 4

Seconding Movement Voter Project.

Some possible sources for identifying tight races:

Cook Political Report says Senate toss-up seats are MT, NV, and OH, and identifies 22 toss-up seats in the House.

US News summarizes 3 organizations' assessments of close House seats. (My quick glance at the map halfway down the page shows AZ-6 in play, which seems like a possible good choice, given the AZ abortion law, and the importance of AZ in the presidential election, and given that supporting Dem votes in that district could also help get out Dem votes for Gallego for Senate.)

This CNN article about House races is old (February 10), but it points out that there are lots of contested districts in California and New York; the LA Times also identified CA seats back in March.

If you're open to state-level races, there's also The States Project.

Thank you for asking this!
posted by kristi at 11:31 AM on July 4

Emily's List supports Democratic women and women identified candidates. Keeping Jackie Rosen in Nevada is also good idea
posted by brookeb at 12:31 PM on July 4

Vote Save America
is run by Pod Save America and they have a few ways of putting funds to good use across the country.
One is the Anxiety Relief Program
“Here’s how it works: You set up a recurring monthly donation at the level that feels right for you, and we’ll make contributions to grassroots organizations and down ballot races that need it most and build out the programs here at VSA needed to win these crucial elections. Then, at the end of each month, we’ll tell you every organization and campaign that we funded.“
posted by calgirl at 1:35 PM on July 4

I've been making a monthly donation to Swing Left's Strategic Impact campaign and the number of email solicitations directly from them have been zero. Because they pass on your donation directly to the candidates (so the donation is my name, not Swing Left's) I've gotten a few from candidates that I never heard of but the number has been quite low (maybe once a week or less) and they have stopped them once I unsubscribed. So, overall, I've been pleased.
posted by metahawk at 6:24 PM on July 4

I donate directly to congressional candidates based on Cook Report rankings: Senate, House.

Almost every Democrat uses ActBlue: set up an ActBlue Express profile and donations are very very simple. See this other discussion about protecting yourself from the inevitable spam. You don't have to give campaigns your phone number or email address.
posted by Nelson at 6:57 AM on July 5

Pamela Pugh (donation link) is running for the open MI-08 seat which includes Flint, MI and is viewed as a toss-up right now. Pugh is the most progressive candidate in that race (and the only Black candidate) and is endorsed by the only good politician in America (Rashida Tlaib).
posted by AceRock at 8:19 AM on July 5

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