UV blocking sun umbrella recommendation?
June 23, 2024 9:14 AM

Looking for any personal recs on a uv blocking sun umbrella. One that opens and closes easily, can help protect me and my infant who will be either strapped to me or in a bassinet stroller! Under $50 ideally.
posted by sandmanwv to Home & Garden (4 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I use this no-name brand one on Amazon for hiking. The two extra straps make it easy to strap to my backpack, just like the picture shows. It's a bit too big for me (which might make it perfect for you!) so I'm thinking of switching to the Gossamer Gear one. I haven't actually seen the GG one in action though.
posted by OrangeDisk at 9:33 AM on June 23

I got this one from Coolibar but have only used it once so far. It has decent coverage (and it seems like the silver version is back in stock). I got it because it is compact so easy to transport on my public transit commute, and because it has manual open/close, since I have had consistent bad luck with automatic ones breaking/jamming. It came in very handy recently when the noon bus skipped my stop and the next bus wasn't till 1 PM, and I was mostly waiting in full sun. If it were me, I would consider also getting one of the umbrellas/parasols made to specifically attach/clamp to a stroller.
posted by gudrun at 10:09 AM on June 23

I have also been using a super cheap garbled-name one from amazon - one of the ones with a black inner lining. It had real-seeming good reviews and either no or few bad reviews, and was in the $10 range so I was okay taking a chance; it's been really effective. (I got it a few years ago and that specific one isn't sold anymore, otherwise I'd link to it.)

Mine doesn't have any windproofing features, but for what you're describing I'd probably look for that. (And seconding clamping abilities.)
posted by trig at 12:35 PM on June 23

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