seeking *organic* ultra dark (95%+) non-fruity chocolate
June 21, 2024 8:50 AM

similar to lindt's 95%. more below, peeps:

My fave chocolate currently is the lindt 95%, but it's not organic and I'd like to start eating an organic one instead. Over the last few years it seems a number of makers are making things like "0% sugar-added 100% dark chocolate - but! - we emphasize the fruitiness of cacao to make it not bitter!" I don't dig the 'fruity' cacao-tasting chocolates. I don't historically dig 100% dark (like baker's chocolate, that is just too bitter), but the lindt is exactly right, having only 1g of cane sugar. I don't want artificial sweeteners, no stevia, splenda, monk fruit, either.

Guess I could just eat less of the Lindt, too. : )

Location: USA thx chocomefiters
posted by bitterkitten to Food & Drink (9 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Maybe get a bunch of single-origin chocolates from a small producer like Raphio Chocolate, and figure out what bean flavors you actually like?
posted by straw at 9:17 AM on June 21

It's 85%, but Divine has one that's not fruity. They also have a ginger/turmeric if that interests you.

Outside the box: how do you feel about cacao nibs?

That site has some other options, and can be filtered by organic only, but I don't see any at 95%.
posted by hydra77 at 9:21 AM on June 21

Equal Exchange has an organic 92% bar that might work; they describe it as "nutty" rather than "fruity" although ymmv.

They also make an organic 88% bar; 3g of sugar compared the 1g in your sample, but maybe worth a comparison since it's from a different region than the 92% and may therefore have a different flavor profile.
posted by bcwinters at 9:41 AM on June 21

Have you tried Marou’s 100%? It is 100% chocolate but tastes nothing like baking chocolate, it has a natural smoothness and roundness of flavor that I think must be sugars from the chocolate process itself. They also make the Wallpaper Limited Tien Giang 80% bar which is one of my favorite chocolate bars of all time; the taste, texture, melt, etc is so layered and deep that I naturally eat it slowly in tiny bites spaced out over time because it is so arresting - takes me maybe a full week to nibble my way through a full sized bar. Marou is not organic certified, but it’s a matter of not paying for the certification rather than a rejection of the principles; ymmv here is their faq.
posted by Mizu at 10:35 AM on June 21

You should give the offerings at Letterpress Chocolate a look.
posted by cleverevans at 10:49 AM on June 21

Chocosol makes an amazing 100% chocolate bar. I wouldn't eat plain Baker's chocolate either, but I love this. It makes a delicious drinking chocolate. I know exactly what you mean about fruitiness, I don't like that either (or in coffee). This is definitely not that. It's rich, creamy, and earthy.
posted by wheatlets at 11:29 AM on June 21

I haven’t had this so can’t speak to how fruity it is, but it is organic, 95% cacao and only 1g added sugar
posted by loopsun at 12:07 PM on June 21

I feel like I just mentioned these here and I swear I don’t work for them but am just a 100% cacao chocolate fan, but the Pascha chocolate chips are organic and not fruity and you can get them online at a variety of places if you can’t find them locally.

In a pinch I think the Ghirardelli 100% bar is quite good and not fruity at all, and I’ve found it in a lot of grocery store baking sections lately, although it is not organic.
posted by jeweled accumulation at 2:22 PM on June 21

Have a look at Melt’s bars. They’re spendy, but they’re also fantastic. The 85% single origin bar might fit the bill.
posted by Kreiger at 1:34 PM on June 25

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