June 14, 2024 12:11 PM

My 2-year old HP all-in-one computer at home is doing something strange - whenever there is a text-entry field, it begins auto-typing wwwwwww.

It just keeps going. Open a new doc, try to post on social media, every application and website - just wwwwwwww.

I naturally assumed the keyboard was to blame, so I bought a new one (and mouse) - and still wwwwww. Any suggestions?

Failing that - is it possible to turn it into a monitor (32-inch screen) for my work computer (measly 27-inch screen)?
posted by davidmsc to Technology (5 answers total)
Disconnect any and all USB devices and see if it continues. The usual suspect here is a wireless keyboard with a stuck key.

If that's not the solution, check the Windows Settings -> Accessibility and see that StickyKeys is disabled, or at least not active. There are Accessibility features in windows that can be accidentally activated; they are intended for users with low manual dexterity, tremors, etc. and so it's possible that your kid somehow activated a permanent activation of the W key in the OS.
posted by Sunburnt at 1:02 PM on June 14

I would try reinstalling the keyboard driver:

Press the Windows key + X and select "Device Manager" from the menu

In the Device Manager window, look for the "Keyboards" section and expand it by clicking on the arrow next to it.

Right-click on the keyboard device (usually named "HID Keyboard Device" or something similar).

Select "Uninstall device" from the right-click menu. If prompted, check the box that says "Delete the driver software for this device" and click "Uninstall."

Restart your computer.

After the restart, Windows will automatically detect the keyboard and attempt to reinstall the driver.

Upon edit: I would try @sunburnt's suggestions first.
posted by alex1965 at 1:06 PM on June 14

I second @alex1965's suggestion as a third thing to try; that should be a pretty sure thing if my suggestions fail.

If it continues after that, I'd say A) malware, or B) haunted computer.

(And to think of all the times in Kerbal Space Program I've had to wedge something into my keyboard to hold down the W key because I got a few miles too far from my spaceship and ran out of jetpack fuel, meaning I had to walk back!)
posted by Sunburnt at 5:02 PM on June 14

I had this problem with my laptop and it was the USB port causing problems. I ended up not using that spot until I got a new laptop.
posted by fiercekitten at 5:03 PM on June 14

YOU MAGNIFICENT BEASTS, you did it! It was indeed USB-related! Unplugged all of 'em, rebooted, and it's working again! Thank you, all!
posted by davidmsc at 9:43 AM on June 15

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