How to get hired for part time with experiences in other fields?
June 6, 2024 8:47 AM

Now, to a point that I should look for temp/part time jobs other than my previous experience and skills. I see my local store that I like has an opening. What should I tell employers to get hired their part time positions?

And what should I do if I get called and landed a long term work soon after I started working part time. I know I would feel guilty if that happened.
posted by lanhan to Work & Money (2 answers total)
you asked this back in march, too. i don't think the answers have changed.

and, don't feel guilty if you get a full time job after starting and a part time job. take the job that's best for your situation and don't worry about them.
posted by misanthropicsarah at 1:19 PM on June 6

I did the same thing. I went to my local used book store and asked for a job. They wanted a cover letter talking about my depth and breadth of knowledge about books. They didn't care that I had experience in a book store, or even in retail. My knowledge was good enough that they hired me. If a job comes along that's more suited to me, or that pays better, or anything, I'd leave. Yeah, I'd feel guilty because I feel an attachment to the place and its people, but that's how jobs work: you stay until you don't.
posted by booth at 6:23 PM on June 8

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