How to road trip solo with my pup?
June 6, 2024 7:37 AM

Particularly the pit stops for me. I have her covered! We travel with Margaret frequently, so we know some great places to let her stretch and have water and pee. But we're usually together and someone walks her or sits in the car with the AC when one of us has to stop. I have a semi-emergency and have to road trip last minute with her. What do I do in the summer (hot and humid here, but not as bad as it could be, 80-85) when I have to get out and run in to use the bathroom?

I've called - no boarding availability at our few places. She's a GSP and a handful if you're not prepared and I don't have anyone I can drop her off with. She's coming with me. My plan is leave early, park in the shade, windows open, and have a cooler with ice & water that I can scoop from to give her while I dash in. I will pee fast. Any other suggestions to make this go better?
posted by banjonaut to Pets & Animals (18 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Pee bottle? Imodium? How long is the road trip?
posted by The Last Sockpuppet at 7:43 AM on June 6

As a person who travels and stops at rest areas and whatnot, I personally would not be mad if I saw Margaret in the bathroom with you.

Barring that, if you can secure her in the car, leave the windows open halfway and leave a note somewhere prominent that says you're using the bathroom and the time you left the note so people can see you've only been gone, say, a minute-and-a-half.
posted by cooker girl at 7:43 AM on June 6

I leave my dogs in the locked car with the ac running. Do you have an extra set of keys or remote start on your car? I either leave the car running, doors locked, with extra key in car. Or with my new car I remote start the car so it runs (AC on) with doors locked.

On my Honda I did have to fiddle with it some to figure out how to lock while the car is running (you may need to manually lock door with actually key that is inside the key fob). For the Honda I could actually leave the fob part in the car and just take the manual key (so I only needed one key).
posted by donovangirl at 8:15 AM on June 6

As a cis woman I don't particularly like peeing out in nature, but if it were me, I would probably try to take my dog with me to a hidden location and pee in the bushes (assuming that's the only bathroom need). I also think your dog will be completely fine if you park in the shade, open the windows, and dash in & out, but I personally would be a little nervous doing that.
posted by obfuscation at 8:20 AM on June 6

Are you willing to throw some money at the problem? You could get a portable power station (uses a lot by campers - Jackery is one brand, there are cheaper options) and plug in a fan for pup while you’re gone with the windows open?
posted by cgg at 8:29 AM on June 6

If you can't leave her unattended, you could use a disposable urinal. (edited to add...assuming you have female body parts...)
posted by hydra77 at 8:33 AM on June 6

Pre-print a card saying "Dog is OK, AC is on, back in a minute" to put up so that well-intentioned samaritans don't break your windows?
posted by zadcat at 8:38 AM on June 6

She is beautiful.
If your car has remote start this is a great solution.
If not, there are some bathroom rest stops that are "unattended" and who cares if someone is fussed if you bring your dog in, Im sure those places have seen worse.
Also some coffee shops can be very nonchalant about dog rules, and I usually find if i ask really politely as I open the door during a slow time they are usually very accommodating. Then get something to drink and leave a nice cash tip in the jar.
posted by zara at 8:51 AM on June 6

You may also be able to ask a fellow dog-owner or dog lover to watch her for a few minutes while you run into the restroom. It's not a 100% reliable solution, but if it's too crowded for you to feel good about bringing her into the bathroom with you, there's probably someone else who's with their dog who'd be sympathetic and willing to hold her for you. I would also 100% be willing to do that for a stranger's dog as a former dog owner if I saw someone tying their dog out in front of a rest stop, but I get that handing your dog over to a stranger is a dicey proposition and may not be workable for you.
posted by snaw at 9:02 AM on June 6

There are expandable window grates that just wedge into car windows that fit most cars (won't work with frameless windows). Park in the shade or windshield towards the sun with windshield shade and snap those into a window on either side and your dog will be fine for a few minutes.
posted by Mitheral at 9:17 AM on June 6

We leave our pup in the car with the AC running. For our 2022 Toyota, this means using one of two methods:
1) before you turn off the car, set the AC to “auto.” Turn off, exit and lock the car, then use the remote’s very clunky-to-initiate remote start feature. The doors will remain locked, the AC will turn on, and as soon as anyone attempts to open a door the vehicle will turn off (discourages vehicle theft).
2) keep the car and AC on after you park. Exit the vehicle, then pop the backup manual key out of the key fob and use that to lock the doors. This will temporarily disable the key fob from working; you must use the key fob to unlock the vehicle now. The car will beep at you, so be it. We normally do this method because I’m always suspicious about remote start not behaving as I expected, but I have insane paranoia about losing the tiny manual key the entire time I’m away.
posted by samthemander at 9:23 AM on June 6

Parking garages are nice and cool.
posted by bricoleur at 9:45 AM on June 6

This depends on your route, but if you are getting off highways:

1. Many parks near me have porta-potties, which you could bring her into.

2. Some gas stations have individual restrooms you can access directly from the outside, which you could bring her into.
posted by metasarah at 10:33 AM on June 6

Our solution to a similar problem has been:

- Something like this portable camping toilet

- Something like these portable toilet waste bags (or just heavy duty garbage bags of some kind, with some kitty litter thrown in as needed.

- Something like these camping toilet tents.

Then you can set up your own private portable toilet station anywhere you have a bit of seclusion (ie, perhaps not right in the middle of a city)

We didn't actually buy any of that from Amazon - a local Home Depot or sporting goods type store had them - so those are just examples.
posted by flug at 1:00 PM on June 6

Petsmart and Petco definitely will let dogs come inside, as well as Tractor Supply, Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, Harbor Freight, and I have heard Hobby Lobby and Michael's but I can't vouch for that. (Probably the same for any kind of regional/local pet "superstore" that you encounter.) I try to aim for those places to make bathroom stops whem I'm road-tripping with my dogs. Use Google Maps to find those along your route.

Lowe's and Home Depot used to let dogs in, you might be able to get away with it still if you explain the situation to the person who stops you.

LaQuinta Inns are pet-friendly ... you can bring her in with you and use their lobby bathrooms. At other hotels, depending on where you are and what time it is, you might find a front desk cleark who is cool. Failing that, pull the car up under the overhang at the entry to the hotel, hazards on, roll the windows down some, and run in and do your thing quickly.
posted by mccxxiii at 3:36 PM on June 6

If you've been running the AC in the car and park in full shade in 80-85 degree weather, there's not any actual danger in the car getting dangerously hot while you make a 5 minute dash in to pee. I would stop at a gas station and stay parked by the pump under the awning. I say this as someone who travels alone with dogs all the time. Get a little portable digital thermometer to test out for yourself if you're still concerned--see how much the inside temperature rises after 5 minutes parked in the shade.

This afternoon it was mid-80s, humid, and mostly sunny, and I was running errands with my adult daughter and she wanted to pop into the grocery store for a couple of things. I waited in the car in the sun while she ran in and got her stuff, 5 minutes, similar to a pee break, and while it was a few degrees hotter in the car by the time she got back it was not uncomfortable, I wasn't breaking a sweat, and I never felt the need to turn on the engine to run the AC. Don't make this more complicated than it need be. 5 minutes in the shade is NOT going to put your dog at risk.
posted by drlith at 7:32 PM on June 6

I will also add that the temperature inside your previously air conditioned car parked in full shade for 5 minutes on an 85 degree day is almost assuredly cooler than the temperature on the grass in full sun where your travel companion would be walking the dog if your travel companion were with you. You can also test that out with a little digital thermometer if you don't believe me.
posted by drlith at 7:36 PM on June 6

I agree with drlith.

I travel with my dog all the time like this, and I’m in Western Australia where it gets hot. If it’s definitely 5-10 mins max, the inside of my car (with all the windows down and parked in the shade - these are non-negotiable) is certainly cooler than outside the car.
posted by Salamander at 12:58 AM on June 7

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