App to save and order photos on Android phone?
May 25, 2024 9:38 AM

When I meet somebody, I might want to show them, on my phone, a certain photo of my cat

...and a certain photo of my other cat...and a certain photo of my son...etc.

I'm on a Google Pixel 8 phone. I can go to Google Photos but I don't know how to order the photos, and also there is something icky and complicated now about how Google Photos is presenting itself on my phone.

Is there any app that I could put some photos on in a certain order so that they will be readily available to show people?
posted by DMelanogaster to Technology (7 answers total)
You could create an album in Google Photos with the pictures you'd want to show, I think that's probably your simplest option.
posted by so fucking future at 9:50 AM on May 25

You could try using this trick to create a link to an album on your homescreen

Full disclosure: I had trouble getting this to work but eventually got reasonable behavior in firefox with some fiddling (chrome didn't work but I think I may have messed it up somehow)
posted by All Out of Lulz at 10:04 AM on May 25

I use Simple Gallery Pro to have locally-saved albums on a Pixel 4. Once it's set up, it's exactly like whatever the original photo manager was, and has been a much steadier experience than Google Photos for me. I think they can only be in the order they're taken though.
posted by teremala at 10:08 AM on May 25

Google Photos also has machine learning, so you can search "cat" to see all your pictures of your cat!
posted by lianove3 at 3:15 PM on May 25

If you have the photos local on your phone you could use the native Files app: long press a photo, select the 3 dots top right, and choose "Add to Starred". There's a Starred folder on the Files app home page, so you'd have immediate access to those photos that way.
posted by my log does not judge at 8:35 PM on May 25

Maybe Immich?
posted by flabdablet at 1:17 AM on May 26

The Save to Google Photos thing worked -- I made a Favorites album (didn't see one already made) -- and smooth sailing moving the photos, and also of course I can get to Google Photos on any of my devices, so --- THANKS!!! Now the whole world can see my adorable Carl and Torvald
posted by DMelanogaster at 6:50 AM on May 26

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