Outlook calendar x 2
May 22, 2024 8:14 AM

I work at two different companies and use Outlook for both their email addresses. I was using the Share Calendar feature on the webapp to share my calendar from Company A with my coworkers at Company B and with myself at Company B, so I can see my whole calendar no matter where I'm logged in. All that sharing worked but I also seem to have shared Company A's calendar with myself at Company A somehow, because Company A has all events twice (the second instance shows the limited Busy/Not Busy view I was sharing with others). What do I do?

Additional facts in case pertinent:
This is not a case where I'm viewing two different calendars at once - only one box is checked in the list of calendars.

I did all the sharing over at the Webapp but the duplicate calendar is showing in both the webapp and the desktop app.

posted by Tandem Affinity to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Did you inadvertently turn on Microsoft 365? I didn’t have the complex sharing situation that you have going on but that was the culprit in a “double entry” Outlook issue I had a while back.
posted by pearlybob at 3:28 AM on May 23

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