Web advertising targets
May 11, 2006 7:39 AM

Where can I find a source that can tell me targets for web advertising?

I'm looking for benchmarks on click thru rates, e-mail opens, e-mail click thru, etc. Does anyone know of a site that posts some averages and targets?
posted by Todd Lokken to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
ClickZ has lots and lots of articles on web advertising and email marketing...but most of them will tell you that industry-wide standards for benchmarking can't possibly be taken seriously (should a business-to-business email to 1,000 people expect to have the same results as AmEx sending an email to all their cardholders?), and that your own goals should be your standard for gauging the success of a campaign. That said, expecting, for example, a 40% open rate for a B-to-C email is unreasonable, and poking around ClickZ should give you a much better understanding of the range in which your benchmarking should fall.
posted by hsoltz at 8:39 AM on May 11, 2006

hsoltz...thanks for the info. This is a great start!
posted by Todd Lokken at 8:43 AM on May 11, 2006

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