Bookfilter: Job choice guidance for driven, early career women
April 23, 2024 7:56 AM

My S/O is facing an inflection point in her career and considering her options. I'd like to find some well-regarded outside advice that might resonate with her.

My S/O is a motivated, accomplished early-30s professional with a graduate degree in her field and a desire to work hard somewhere her values sync with the organization's mission. Think NGOs, foundations, or government agencies that have good staff development/mentorship structures. We are NYC-based.

She has found, though, that two recent jobs pushed her toward burnout, did not recognize her contributions including taking on work well outside her (under-promoted) level and scope, and were somewhat cynical and mismanaged environments.

I would like to find a book or two on career change and finding one's best job fit from a modern, probably millennial, innately feminist perspective. These books would ideally be serious and useful - some irreverence is OK - instead of reactive/angry or comedic.

Thank you in advance for your recommendations!
posted by Inspector.Gadget to Work & Money (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Designing Your Life emphasizes paying attention to what work energizes vs drains you. This can be a useful way of figuring out what is actually a good work fit, rather than what you think is a good fit.

It also emphasizes talking to a ton of people (which to me is not really different than the coffee chat advice I’ve heard elsewhere).

Overall definitely worth checking out!
posted by Parkaboy at 8:15 AM on April 23

I came to recommend Designing Your Life as well. I’ve read it multiple times when I have been at a career crossroads, and it has helped me think through what I want.
posted by bluloo at 3:18 PM on April 23

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