Happy Ears For How Long
April 22, 2024 12:59 PM

I'm getting a new roof. My dogs, unsurprisingly, have very loud, anguished opinions about what is happening. How long is it safe for me to keep a "Happy Hoodie" covering on them?

The coverings arrived this morning, and the change was immediate. They were screaming and howling and experiencing so much anxiety about all the noise. Then, I put the coverings on, and they instantly quieted down. Now, they're sleeping. They don't like the ear coverings too much, but they are very clearly experiencing far less distress now.

Can I keep these coverings on them for the rest of the day? Is that safe? Can I then have them wear the coverings again all day tomorrow? The roofers said it'd be 2 - 3 days, and I would like to keep my dogs from as much suffering as possible.

This is the kind of ear covering they're each wearing.

(And if this question is easily answered on the Happy Hoodie website, I am sorry. I promised I tried to find it.)
posted by meese to Pets & Animals (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
So long as your dogs don’t mind the coverings, I can’t think of any harm these could cause over the course of a few days. Is there anything particular that you’re worried about?
posted by not just everyday big moggies at 1:28 PM on April 22

I suppose my concerns:
--damage to skin from long contact
--damage to the ear from spending so long being squished up
posted by meese at 1:42 PM on April 22

The vet testimonial on the site seems to advocate for its use in aiding recovery after surgical procedures, which seems fairly long term. If my dog tolerated it I would use it during the noisy period then gently swab the ears the same way I do for myself after wearing earbuds or headphones for hours on end.
posted by MagnificentVacuum at 3:02 PM on April 22

We call these a snood. My dogs wear them for a few days on either side of July 4 and Jan 1 because of our idiot neighbors and their penchant for non-stop fireworks. Periodic breaks for ear rubs and snuggles and they are fine. Much better than they would be with 36 hours of firework stress.
posted by pearlybob at 3:11 AM on April 23

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