Process server near Clinch County/Fargo, GA?
April 17, 2024 11:44 PM

Does anyone have any recommendations for a process server/private investigator who might be willing (and who is worth paying extra) to head that way?

One of the defendants has moved out of state into a rural area to evade a lawsuit. We’ve had little luck so far finding a Process Server/Private Investigator close by to deliver the complaint/summons. We’re so far not getting a lot of calls back. We’d like to avoid having it delivered by a Sheriff if possible because we only have so much time and we’re concerned the service might not be as efficient.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a process server/private investigator who might be willing (and who is worth paying extra) to head that way? We’ve already tried locating their workplace in our state to save money, so we could use the Process Server we’re using for the other defendants, but the address they’re using for their business is a vacant trailer.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you!
posted by SarekTu to Law & Government 1 user marked this as a favorite
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