I like Pink Floyd as much as the next girl, but
April 16, 2024 9:34 AM

My neighbors, who share a wall of my house, smoke weed. This is fine! What is not fine is my house smelling like weed all the time. Is there a weed-odor-eliminating candle that is NOT weed-branded?

All of the candles I am seeing have pot leaves or hippie-type iconography on the candle. I do not want this. Does an effective weed-odor-eliminating candle without this iconography exist?

Things I do not want:
- incense
- advice to go talk to my neighbor
- febreeze

Thanks y’all!
posted by sevensnowflakes to Home & Garden (10 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Oh, I wish I could recommend Cannabolish because they are, for my money, very very effective with eliminating the weed smells, but alas there is a leaf on the label.

BUT -- there is this company who offers candles and sprays for this very thing and do not have the iconography on the label.
posted by Kitteh at 9:41 AM on April 16

I have never had success trying to cover or overpower a scent. I find that filtering it out works better. Even if/when you find a candle you like, these might be a nice compliment:
  1. Hiding Arm & Hammer Fridge & Freezer deodorizers around. These little boxes of baking soda have side panels you remove and then the baking soda works through little screens to remove odors. They are shockingly effective and very, very cheap. We use them in our teenager's room, where our dog sleeps, to make it smell less like... teenager and dog. They work for a lot of cases.
  2. For a more nuclear option, try an air purifier appliance. The Coway Airmega (beloved on Wirecutter for years) is actually on sale right now, for about a third off of its usual cost on Amazon. We have one of those upstairs and it has an automatic mode, where it kicks on when it notices strong odors and works hard to wipe them out. (It has strong opinions about me cooking fish, for example, but it always comes out on top.) Also very good.

posted by DirtyOldTown at 9:45 AM on April 16

I have no specific product recommendations, but I came to suggest purchasing a candle and either removing the label or putting it in a decorative candle holder. The Cannabolish mentioned by kitteh looks like it has a paper label that could easily be removed. For a candle holder, you could do something like this.
posted by bluloo at 10:06 AM on April 16

I agree - buy the cannabolish and remove the label, it's just paper. Or use a decorative holder as also suggested. I don't smoke or have a need for the candle but friends who live in an apartment building rave about it and have very highly recommended it.
posted by the webmistress at 10:08 AM on April 16

Not a candle, but these Ozium canisters work well.
posted by dianeF at 10:33 AM on April 16

I have no specific product recommendations, but I came to suggest purchasing a candle and either removing the label or putting it in a decorative candle holder.

Thirding this suggestion. Find a pretty picture, print it out, tape it over the label. Boom.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 10:43 AM on April 16

Try using the power of air pressure. For any room where you don't want a weed smell, put a fan in the hallway, pointing IN to the room. Or put the fan in the window pointing IN, as long as the pot smell isn't coming from outside. The goal is to "overstuff" the room with clean air that doesn't smell like pot.

The fan will positively pressurize the room with clean air, making the room "too full" of air, so the "extra" air in the room will want to go OUT. That means small amounts of air will always be flowing OUT through all the little openings that are currently letting the pot smell in. So the pot smell won't be pulled into the room because the airflow is opposite.

If you share a party wall with the neighbours, put the fans on the other side of the house / apartment / room, so they have the best chance of pushing in air that doesn't already smell like weed.
posted by nouvelle-personne at 11:06 AM on April 16

Ozium spray was my go to when I did not want my mom to smell the bong hits we were taking in my room.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 11:46 AM on April 16

You have my sympathies -- the condo we used to live in reeked of our neighbors' terrible weed at all times. The only thing that made a dent in it was putting a decent-sized air purifier in every room.
posted by maryellenreads at 11:50 AM on April 16

We also have this problem, and use air purifiers with smoke filters in the bedrooms. Specifically, we use LEVOIT Air Purifiers with the core 300 smoke remover replacement filter. The smoke smell tends to come in through the vents in the bathroom, so we keep the door closed at all times.
posted by foxonisland at 3:58 PM on April 16

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