Acrobatically Leaving My Adobe Account - help?
February 28, 2024 4:38 PM

I foolishly signed up for an Adobe account to be able to use some PDFs, and then I even more foolishly failed to cancel during the "trial period". The software never really downloaded right so I've never even been able to use the damn thing. How can I cancel my account WITHOUT having to pay an exorbitant cancelation fee?

The terms of the contract have me paying $26 a month for a year, auto-billed to my account. I've made 2 payments so far, and the software install isn't working properly. I'd rather just cancel the thing, but when I try to do that, it says I'll be charged an additional $100 for an "early cancellation fee."

I tried to get through to customer service but I keep getting a "virtual chatbot" who keeps linking me to the "how to cancel your account" page.

What can I do to get out of this damn thing? I considered simply deleting my payment information and letting it cancel on me, would that be okay?
posted by EmpressCallipygos to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Call their customer support number (googled quickly on my phone 1-800-833-6687) and explain the situation. People seem to have luck doing this to get their monthly cost lowered and if you’re insistent there’s a good chance they’ll waive your cancellation fee.
posted by caitcadieux at 4:46 PM on February 28

... and if you don't get good results fairly quickly, consider filing complaints with both the New York State Division of Consumer Protection and the NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection.
posted by kristi at 7:00 PM on February 28

If that fails, you could close the credit card it’s billing to (or switch the billing info to a different CC, delete your current CC info on your adobe account, and then close the new card it’s billing to). I did that once (not on purpose, just coincidentally) and adobe sent me a few emails warning me that my subscription would expire early if I didn’t update my billing info. Which for me was a good outcome.

That’s of a course a huge pain if you didn’t have a card you wanted to close anyway. You could try loading some money onto one of those credit card-like gift cards, switch your account to bill that, then let it run out of money. Although I’ve heard they can tell it’s a gift card and some companies won’t let you bill to it to begin with.
posted by sillysally at 8:17 PM on February 28

I went through this last year, so it's possible that they closed this loophole... But I changed my plan to a different one (doesn't really matter which one) that had a free trial. That free trial was still valid, even though it was just a plan change, so I was able to then cancel it without any cancellation fees.

Note, though, that it takes a few hours to a day before your account status updates and you'll be able to cancel it. Definitely not an immediate thing, which worried me when I did it.
posted by boisterousBluebird at 9:34 AM on February 29

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