ground turkey can I eat or freeze it
January 6, 2024 4:29 PM

Ground raw turkey, one day past its use or freeze by date, can I freeze it safely for future use now? It'll take time to thaw when I eventually use it. Just worried since it's ground meat.
posted by Rufous-headed Towhee heehee to Food & Drink (4 answers total)
They're very conservative with those dates. It will probably be fine.
posted by kindall at 5:41 PM on January 6

I would open it and give it a sniff. If it doesn't smell off it isn't slimy or anything, either cook or just transfer to a Ziploc and freeze.
posted by Teadog at 6:06 PM on January 6

It’s fine so long as the plastic isn’t overly inflated - if it is, toss it. Source: I’m a journeyman meat cutter for a large grocery chain. I buy stuff on the rotten rack all the time and freeze it.
posted by sara is disenchanted at 8:59 PM on January 6

Eh. Probably fine assuming you have a healthy immune system, though honestly for anything that I'm unsure enough about to want to ask metafilter on I've decided that it's gonna be cheaper to just chuck it for the peace of mind rather than deal with an unscheduled hospital visit.
posted by Aleyn at 4:44 PM on January 7

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