2024 Resolutions/goals/intentions: what resources are you using?
January 1, 2024 10:26 AM

Since 2020, I've been focussing on keeping my head above water, staying happy and healthy and connected in the midst of the pandemic emergency. But now, I'm inspired to do some serious planning. If you're doing something similar, what resources are you using that you have found useful? I'm open to books, podcasts, courses, YouTube videos, etc., and to hearing about any and all approaches that you have found/are finding useful. Scientific and intuitive or esoteric approaches are all welcome.
posted by rpfields to Grab Bag (7 answers total) 16 users marked this as a favorite
I’ve used the Unravel Your Year workbook since 2014 - it’s all based around choosing a word to shape the coming year. Very much intention-setting rather than traditional goals/resolutions. I don’t do the monthly reflections but that could be a tool to keep you focused through the year too!
posted by rabbitbookworm at 10:54 AM on January 1

I’m a fan of yearly themes, as popularized by the Cortex podcast and their Theme System Journal. They have several episodes of the podcast where they discuss their yearly themes, both their methods for picking a theme and then recapping how the year went with their theme. The Cortex podcast Reddit is full of folks discussing their 2024 themes right now. You don’t need to use the theme system journal to set a yearly theme. The site does have a lot of details about yearly theme setting.
posted by bluloo at 11:31 AM on January 1

Best Year Yet is free and has been helpful as a jumping off point for me.
posted by shadygrove at 11:40 AM on January 1

Read this article on goal setting which is evidence-based and talks about how to construct a set of low level goals from higher level aspirations that work together and are most likely to succeed. It's focused on sports/health, but the principles can work for anything.
posted by i_am_joe's_spleen at 11:47 AM on January 1

It may seem silly, but the Finch app has been "stickier" about gently reminding me to work on long term goals than anything else in recent memory. I am motivated to check it each day (because birb decorations!) which helps to keep the non-urgent, important stuff front and center.

You can use it for serious productivity OR when daily life is so overwhelming that just getting dressed and going outside is a win. For tasks that are a slog (e.g., a long, very technical editing project), it was easy to enter a goal x100 so I could check off completed pages rather than the full doc. Honestly, it's also been nice to have a spot to vent about long-term projects too. If you try it out and find it helpful, there is a nice community on Reddit that shares friend codes for a low-stakes way of encouraging daily engagement with the app (and hopefully seeing the goals and tasks you truly care about.)

If you or anyone else wants to download the app and be Finchie friends, my link is on my profile page. I truly find it helpful and motivational for my own goals to send my birb over to say hi to other birbs.
posted by Gable Oak at 3:51 PM on January 1

I highly recommend the YearCompass for both reflection and planning for the year ahead. I've been using it for quite a few years now and always look forward to it after the craziness of the holidays. Free!
posted by ikahime at 11:01 AM on January 2

Thanks everybody! I've marked a couple of best answers that have shown me things I hadn't heard about, but they are all useful. If anybody has more to add, please do.
posted by rpfields at 8:24 PM on January 2

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