Male auto lighting plug?
December 9, 2023 12:42 AM

I'm in the process of changing the dashboard on my car, and need a part that may not exist.

My current project car uses a stock GM headlight switch (here) connected to a stock GM lighting harness (here.) I found a switch I want to use (here), but I'll need to adapt it to the existing wiring.

I'd like to find a pigtail that plugs into the car harness connector, is if it were a light switch, then wire that into the new switch. That way, if I need to disconnect the lighting connector, I could just pull it off rather than unscrew each wire.

I thought about just cutting up a light switch and making a connector, but I'd like to see if there is an off the shelf solution.
posted by Marky to Technology (2 answers total)
Those tabs on the switch (which you want to emulate) are standard Faston 1/4" connectors, or something very very close.

This is the first one I found, but any decent car parts shop should stock them. You may be able to find them pre-crimped to a length of wire, but that would be less easily found. Any car parts shop, garage or car hobbyist should have the tools though to crimp them to a length of wire, or you could buy crimping pliers yourself; they start at maybe US$10.
posted by Stoneshop at 1:03 AM on December 9, 2023

As Stoneshop says. You make up a bunch of short wires with male connectors on one end and screw the other end into your new switch. The connector ends go into the socket. Very commonly available at electrical and electronic stores as well as car places. Cheap crimpers for the connectors are awful but will work well enough for a one off.
posted by deadwax at 3:58 AM on December 9, 2023

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