Another "to do" app question
October 26, 2023 1:49 PM

I had been happily using "OurHome" for years with only occasional issues of outages. Now, it seems the app is just dead. My favorite feature was that if I had a recurring reminder for "every 3 months" and it was due Sept 1, but I didn't get to it until Sept 20, it would set the next reminder for December 20, not December 1. I'm using the built in ios "Reminders" app for now, but it doesn't have that feature. Suggestions for one that does?

I do not care about having other people be able to access the app/family sharing. Free is of course preferred, but up to $5 a month acceptable. I do also like the feature of the "Reminders" app that the reminder notifications are persistent until you clear them or mark them done.
posted by misanthropicsarah to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Todoist has that feature, but it’s a bit hard to discover. Instead of writing “every 3 months” for the date, you have to write “every! 3 months” (with an exclamation point) to get the behavior you are looking for.

This is documented in their recurring due date help page, under “Repeating a task based on the original date or the completion date.”
posted by mbrubeck at 1:57 PM on October 26, 2023

I use Toodledo, and reminders can be set up from either a set date, or the completion date of the task.
posted by Sweetie Darling at 2:46 PM on October 26, 2023

+1 for Todoist
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 3:19 PM on October 26, 2023

Due app (I believe only for iOS) let's you set a repeating task. You can easily change the due date, and when you do it asks you to confirm:
- Only this occurence (in your example Dec. 20 but future will remain every 3mths on the 1st)
- All future occurrences (change due date to the 20th every 3 mths)

I'm not sure if this feature is in the free version (I think so).

It also has a very useful snooze functionality.
posted by mephisjo at 3:34 PM on October 26, 2023

I have a free iOS app called Alarmed that allows you specify if the repeat should be scheduled from the date scheduled or the date completed. So, pay mortgage is set for the 25th of the month and repeats based on when it is scheduled. Charge up the emergency backup battery repeats every three months from the date last completed.

I don't use it for my daily to-do list but it is perfect for reminders.
posted by metahawk at 5:22 PM on October 26, 2023

I've been using Remember The Milk for years, and it also lets you decide whether a repeating task repeats from date completed ("repeats after") , or the original due date ("repeats every"). (I do have a paid account since a good quarter of my brain is in that app.)
posted by mersen at 5:37 PM on October 26, 2023

I've been using Things for years and it does this.

The related feature I like, which Reminders also doesn't do, is having separate dates for "Complete this by" and "Due" (i.e. when it appears in the "Today" view of things to do.
posted by fabius at 5:20 AM on October 27, 2023

i ended up going with todoist and have been happy so far.
posted by misanthropicsarah at 9:40 AM on December 20, 2023

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