Which is easier, a fiberglass cast or walking boot?
October 23, 2023 7:54 AM

Two weeks ago, I sprained my ankle for the second time, and it was pretty bad. Swelling, bruising, etc has since then gone down, but my podiatrist is recommending either a walking boot or fiberglass cast to protect the ankle while it re-heals.

I've tried a walking boot, from Amazon, and it's somewhat unwieldy and heavy, especially when walking up/down stairs. Because of that, my podiatrist recommended a fiberglass cast, which I could cover/tape up with a plastic bag during showers. Both options seem meh to me.

Would you recommend the walking boot, or cast? Any other recommendations would be welcome. Want something that's light, simple, and not a pain to shower/bathe with.
posted by thoughtful_analyst to Health & Fitness (12 answers total)
Walking boot: better for showering, driving, sleeping, itching and also, you can walk and support weight in it. When I had a fiberglass cast a couple years ago they told me I could only put a small amount of body weight onto it which meant having a crutch or a knee scooter.

Around here, you’d have to go to the cast clinic to get it out on and taken off so that’s another two appointments.

If you have the option then a walking boot is 10 times better run my book. Maybe there are rigid braces that conform to your ankle better and can come on and off.
posted by Rumple at 8:04 AM on October 23, 2023

Are you able to put weight on it? I've recently had a CAM boot that also couldn't take weight. But I could take it off to shower (with a shower chair) thereby avoiding the itchy/hairy/dry CAST LEG phenomenon.
posted by chesty_a_arthur at 8:15 AM on October 23, 2023

In my experience, the boot is 100x better. You can take it on and off, you can touch the ground with it, you can shower with it. When I had a cast, I couldn't touch the foot to the ground at all - I had to use crutches all the time and went up / down stairs sitting down (because I couldn't figure out the crutches). The boot was a revelation after a week in a cast.

The boot you linked is much taller than the one I had - is that medically necessary? There are shorter ones that go mid-shin, which I think would reduce the weight.
posted by quadrilaterals at 8:16 AM on October 23, 2023

(If you do end up needing a cast, skip the plastic bags and tape and get one of these guys.)
posted by staggernation at 8:18 AM on October 23, 2023

100% go with the boot. You can put it on and take it off as needed. You can take it off to sleep if that's advised, or at least adjust it to some kind of comfortable snugness so you can get a better sleep. And when it's time to stop using it you don't need an appointment to get it taken off... you just take it off.

Also with the boot you can take it off to do gentle range of motion exercises. I had 2 avulsion fractures when I injured my ankle, and even though I wasn't weight bearing for the first week or so, I still did gentle calf stretches, toe points, ankle circles, etc. Just opened up the boot, kept my leg in there while elevated, and did my little exercises to keep the blood flowing and the joint from getting too stiff.
posted by eekernohan at 8:38 AM on October 23, 2023

100% use the walking boot. Especially stairs. EVERYTHING except sleeping was so much easier with the boot.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 8:46 AM on October 23, 2023

Boot, boot, boot, one thousand times boot.

I broke my ankle last year and had a cast for a while and then a boot. There is no question that a boot is easier for every damn thing in your life, from showering to sleeping to carrying stuff to feeling like a human to -- I'm gonna stop but it's LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

Please listen to what everyone is saying and do the boot. The cast is only ever the proper answer when you have an injury that leaves you with no choice.
posted by BlahLaLa at 9:12 AM on October 23, 2023

They make weight-bearing fiberglass casts now, you wear it with a little sandal to protect the fiberglass & your wood floors. They also make waterproof casts.

My kid recently wore a weight bearing cast for 3 weeks for an orthopedic, not-broken-bone. I broke down in tears when I heard my 3 year old needed to wear a cast, but it was absolutely fine. The worst part was sponge bathing her, we wrapped the cast in a towel and that kept it dry enough.

If your only expeirence is with old fashioned plaster casts, these fiberglass casts are a whole new world.

But ask about option for a waterproof fiberglass cast. It might be the middle point between heavy & shower-able.
posted by muddgirl at 9:24 AM on October 23, 2023

Seconding shorter boot, unless medical advice is for the long one!
posted by lokta at 9:46 AM on October 23, 2023

If you don't trust yourself to leave the walking boot on until you're really entirely healed, go with the cast.

Speaking from experience, here.

Going back to normal usage when your body isn't ready for it, even if you can get away with it for a while, sets you up for MORE damage next time. (Sounds like you might be at the first next time, right now.) Don't do that to yourself.

After I did, it took me more than a decade - and an awful lot of pain, babying my ankle/foot, and missing out on things - to finally get mine to return to a position where it was strong enough for normal-to-heavy use.

And I'm still much more likely to re-injure that one, or just have it be sore, after a long day.
posted by stormyteal at 1:36 PM on October 23, 2023

Nthing the boot, but maybe a shorter one. Also, no matter which way you go, get yourself some shoe lifts for your other foot. Your hips will appreciate this.
posted by Runes at 3:27 PM on October 23, 2023

The boot for sure - but if it’s accessible to you, I’d recommend going to a local durable medical equipment supplier to get properly fitted. I’m in a boot right now, and the person fitting me went through several to get the right fit - it makes a difference. It is absolutely heavy, and stairs are a real challenge (I’ve had it just shy of a week for a foot fracture), but I’m much happier in this (showers! Air! Applications of ice to the injury!) than I would be in a cast.
posted by okayokayigive at 3:47 PM on October 23, 2023

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