Recommend a great trail guide or similar for an Eagle Scout
October 4, 2023 2:18 PM

My nephew will become an Eagle Scout! I will go to the ceremony in 2 weeks and I'm trying to figure out a present.

The first thing that comes to mind is a wonderful trail guide, preferably something with great photos or illustrations or fold-outs, something that really takes advantage of being a physical book, since so much of the information is online now.

Tell me your ideas, including Eagle Scout gift ideas that are not a trail guide.

posted by Jenny'sCricket to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (11 answers total)
How about an annual pass? I love my America the Beautiful pass! That's $80 and could be paired well with a guide for a trail or area he's planning or dreaming of hiking one day! Or a fun book like Subpar Parks by Amber Share. Cash is always nice as is a gift card to an outdoor store, online or in person!

Congratulations to your nephew. It's a huge accomplishment and I'm so glad you'll be there to share that joy and pride at his ceremony! (You're saying nephew so I'm assuming he: I know Scouting is open to people of all genders now -- hooray! -- so please excuse me if I'm using the wrong pronouns!)
posted by smorgasbord at 2:33 PM on October 4, 2023

A REI gift card is welcome by many young hikers and trail enthusiasts... Hiking poles, heavy duty socks, backpack, etc...What a great achievement. Brava to the young man.Yhe kids are alright.
posted by Czjewel at 5:35 PM on October 4, 2023

How much are you looking to spend? The Leatherman Signal is a very nice outdoorsy piece of kit.
posted by alby at 10:44 PM on October 4, 2023

Labour of love? Braid a paracord bracelet in colours of neffie's favorite team. He'll remember you fondly in the boonies when he needs an emergency hammock-support / shoe-lace / crampon-cinch / hair-tie.
posted by BobTheScientist at 12:26 AM on October 5, 2023

A camping hammock is another possibility. I like your idea too.
posted by Sukey Says at 3:02 AM on October 5, 2023

Hey, excited to see another Scout make it to the end of their trail!

Most campers with this many years under their belt already own a lot of gear -- but they might have a dream item (upgraded hammock, JetBoil stove, etc.). And at the same time, they might also be at the point of walking away from camping for a bit, as many kids do when they make Eagle. Either way, an REI membership ($20 for life) plus a (smaller) gift card would be a nice combination.

Otherwise, some waterproof maps for an area that he might return to can be useful or nice wall art. Alternatively, if he ever did a high adventure trip, then a good frame for a photo from that trip or a shadowbox could be cool -- but again, that relies on knowing him and his keepsakes pretty well!

One more note: make sure to take pictures during the ceremony! His parents are likely to get called up several times, and miss the nicest moments. Framing one of these for them later would be great (especially if there's space on the frame to attach a parent's pin or mentor pin; I used some foam, disguised with grosgrain ribbon)!
posted by wenestvedt at 6:41 AM on October 5, 2023

I think your idea of a trail guide is excellent.

However, if you can't find one that is to your liking, I encourage you to search for books about the natural history of a place that's important to him. This could be related to some recent time to decode what you can from a rotting log, or it could be from back in geologic time with mountain formation, volcanos, ice ages, etc. This will help him be more observant when he is out hiking.

This National Park Service report is the sort of thing I mean.
posted by SemiSalt at 7:33 AM on October 5, 2023

I'm an eagle scout. This trail guidebook, written by Nancy Pallister, a former NOLS instructor, is excellent and covers some of the most beautiful backpacking in the lower 48, Wyoming's Wind River Range

Beyond Trails in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming
posted by pegstar at 6:00 PM on October 6, 2023

Depending on his sense of humor, and the depth of his interest in the outdoors, the serious root-cause analyses in every (annual!) edition of "Accidents in North American Mountaineering" might be both educational and titillating.
posted by wenestvedt at 7:45 PM on October 7, 2023

So it's been two weeks -- what did you end up giving him? :7)
posted by wenestvedt at 5:52 AM on October 18, 2023

The World's Best National Parks in 500 Walks and the Subpar Parks book. I loved those posters when they started showing up on the internet but I didn't know it was a book. I think he liked them. Like a good scout he sent me a lovely thank you note.

Thank you for all the great ideas, they will come in handy when his younger brother becomes an Eagle Scout!
posted by Jenny'sCricket at 6:56 AM on October 27, 2023

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