How do I do Halloween this year at Church & Wellesley (Toronto) ?
September 30, 2023 5:56 PM

I need suggestions for where to go, the night of Oct 31st to have drinks with 4-6 people to celebrate a 19th birthday in the Village. More below the fold

It’s been more than a decade since I attempted Church street on Halloween. Some initial investigating has not uncovered any restaurants that take reservations, with open tables (Storm Crow Manor would have been perfect, but is sadly booked up).

What we are looking for: a bar/pub that feels appropriately festive that takes reservations and has open slots. Baring that, the back up plan is to gather a list of bars/pubs where it is likely (based on prior years) to be possible to get in. Also open to beer tents…is that a thing for Halloween? Food is a bonus, not a requirement.

What we are looking to avoid: standing outside in lines or standing out in the street festival in the cold, with no drinks, for hours; also only luke warm interest other bars/pubs outside of the Village.

Constraints: can’t get there until 8:30 or 9:00pm

I realize this is a tall ask. Thanks in advance
posted by walkinginsunshine to Food & Drink 1 user marked this as a favorite
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