Blurry memories
September 22, 2023 9:55 PM

I'm looking for a photography blog from the mid-2000s. It was the photographer's personal blog; she was a bit of a wunderkind (16-18 years old and booking major shoots) from Australia or perhaps New Zealand.

Other things I can remember about this site:
- The photos on the blog were mostly (very artistic) photos of her family or nature, though she had found commercial success relatively young. I think I remember her writing about traveling around the world shooting for major brands and magazines.
- She had a (planned) child at 18, iirc, and some of the photos and posts were about parenthood. I believe she eventually split up with her child's dad?
- She wrote poetry on this blog as well. I have a vague sense of her writing in all-lower-case, very aesthetic.

I haven't found any mention of her online - most of my searches are returning lists of prominent Australian female photographers from the 20th century and/or photojournalists.

I'd love to see the photos again. Any search tips also appreciated. Thanks for reading!
posted by abry0 to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Nirrimi Hakanson / Nirrimi Firebrace ?
posted by Roger Schredderer at 11:00 PM on September 22, 2023

That's her! It's such a joy to see these photos again. Thank you so much, Roger!
posted by abry0 at 9:02 AM on September 23, 2023

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