Can I get rid of this popup?
September 6, 2023 10:58 AM

I can't install a thing my computer wants me to install. Can I shut off the notification to install it?

At the start of the pandemic, when we were scrambling to figure out what working from home was going to work like, employees of my agency were given a window of time where we could buy our own peripherals for use with our work laptops, so we wouldn't have to either rely on the help desk to send out "approved" ones or have to go in to the office to get them from our desks. That peripheral autonomy ended in summer 2022, and my agency now has a standard remote-worker kit that contains a particular keyboard, mouse, and camera that they ship out to folks who are full- or part-time remote.

During that period of autonomy, I bought this super sweet wireless Logitech solar keyboard and wireless mouse, both controllable with a dongle that plugs in to my dock. I love them both, and they work great. About six months ago, I started getting this popup about installing the Logitech Download Assistant, which is some sort of add-on thing that manages downloads of updates and Logitech products I guess? I don't really care what it is, but it appears every single time I log on.

The popup shows up every day, and every day, I dismiss it, because I do not have admin rights to my machine, which are required to install this particular thing. I cannot get admin rights, either - the whole "find a friend in IT" thing doesn't really fly at my agency, which is fine for the most part.

If I call the help desk to see if they can disable the prompt somehow, they will inevitably ask "why are you not using the standard equipment" and in all likelihood force me to stop flying under the radar and give up my keyboard/mouse and use the standard ones, which I do not want to do.

The only actionable things on the prompt itself are the "install" button and the X in the corner to close the window. There's no settings option on it or "more info" link or anything. All of this context is to ask: without admin rights, is there any way I can stop this Logitech prompt from showing up every time I log in? Or am I going to just have to resign myself to having to close this little prompt every single day?
posted by pdb to Technology (8 answers total)
Check the "Startup Apps" settings, and see if you can disable the Logitech thing there. That usually solves junk like this that pops up every time you start your computer.
posted by fimbulvetr at 11:01 AM on September 6, 2023

If you don't see something obvious in startup apps then hit Ctrl+shift+esc (or open task manager however you like to) and click the startup tab. Look for any process that says logitech. My list between startup apps and the task manager startup processes is similar but not exactly the same.
posted by phunniemee at 11:05 AM on September 6, 2023

Go to Windows Control Panel > Uninstall a program (or Programs and Features) and see if "Logitech Download Assistant" is listed. If so, you should be able to uninstall it without affecting the use of your keyboard/mouse. Don't uninstall any other Logitech software though.
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:32 AM on September 6, 2023

Check your notifications settings, If it's in there disable it.
posted by O9scar at 12:07 PM on September 6, 2023

something was added to your windows startup to "remind" you to install that.

You should be able to bring up task manager by ctrl shift esc

Then there's tab labelled "startup"

Disable anything that says logitech or from logitech. That *should* do it. If that doesn't, screenshot that screen and sharing that screenshot here, and we'll figure it out together.
posted by kschang at 3:35 PM on September 6, 2023

@fimbulvetr/@kschang -

I tried both of those things, but:

- Finding the Logitech Download Assistant entry in the Startup Apps section of the Settings app was easy, and filled me with optimism! Yay this is gonna be easy! Turning the "active" slider from on to off, though, as per @fimbulvetr's instruction, turns out to still require me to have admin rights to my machine (other options in that section, annoyingly, do not require admin access for me to change).

- finding and attempting to disable anything "logitech" in task manager results in no action. I can find "logitech", and there's a "delete" option (I'm not at my work machine right now, so I don't remember whether it's "delete" or just a trash can icon), but highlighting the Logitech line and hitting that option does absolutely nothing. I assume that is also related to the lack of admin rights.

I'm happy to share screenshots etc., but I feel like I'm dead in the water without having even a base level of admin access to that machine.
posted by pdb at 9:06 PM on September 6, 2023

Is it only on startup, or every time you log in? If the former, you can at least reduce the frequency of the annoyance by putting your laptop to sleep overnight instead of shutting it down.
posted by ManyLeggedCreature at 3:49 AM on September 7, 2023

Try this Microsoft support article to see if you can create an admin account to help you get rid of that.
posted by kschang at 4:27 PM on September 8, 2023

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