Audio Production Review/Input Sought
September 1, 2023 7:05 PM

I have a 57-minute audio project that I'm close to finalizing, before submission to a syndicated program, and I wanted to get extra ears on it before I submit it and make it public. I'm fairly new to this process, and I'm not sure how to go about getting good feedback (while keeping my work safe).

The project consists of old recordings of an interview that took place in the 1980s, plus a scattering of original music recorded in the 1930s by the same person, and a tiny bit of my own narration. I've met all the requirements for submission to the platform I have in mind, and I've done (I think) a decent job at editing, thus far. I believe I'm at the point now where I could use some quality input.

I think I'm comfortable with letting complete strangers listen, but I'm concerned about sharing it publicly before finally releasing it - I worry about someone downloading and then using and/or sharing it in some way that I'm not comfortable with.

Should just go ahead and share the MP3 (or a YouTube) semi-publicly in one or more Podcast-related communities (e.g. Facebook groups)? Or would it make more sense for me to find a professional reviewer/editor and grant them temporary access? Any additional thoughts/suggestions welcome.
posted by christopherious to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Hi! I'm a professional public radio senior producer-type person. I'd love to help out a MeFite. Shoot me a message!
posted by mykescipark at 7:18 PM on September 1, 2023

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