Looking for YouTube Recommendations for Homesteading
July 26, 2023 4:04 PM

I'm interested in finding more channels about homesteading, DIY home projects, gardening, etc. More details about the types of videos I'm looking for within.

I'm not exclusively looking for people performing some strict definition of homesteading if there are other channels that meet my criteria. Here's what I like about the channels I've found and enjoy so far:

They are motivated to work on their projects, whatever the projects are

They don't seem to have a consumerist mindset (they don't have all brand new stuff or do a ton of sponsorships, they prefer to work with what they have when possible, etc)

Religion and politics aren't mentioned (or, if they are at all, it's in passing and not in a way that bashes others)

They care about nature and spend a good amount of time outside

Here are my favorites so far:

Little Spanish Farmstead: A woman and her husband in Spain, focus on gardening and projects on house and yard. Talks about their projects, shows progress made on and off camera.

Martjin Doolard: A man alone in the Italian Alps with a focus on fixing up a house. No talking, but great filming/editing skills. Long videos where you just wander around with him watching him do his projects for the week.

mylittlehomestead: Multigenerational family in Texas who build earthbag buildings and do other projects on their land. Cheesy, but fun.

Diego León: A couple in France with a focus on fixing up a house with some gardening.

Erik Grankvist: A man building a cabin on his own in Sweden using only hand tools.

The Seasonal Homestead: A woman and her family in Arkansas with a focus on gardening and food production/preservation. This one can feel a but too consumerist at times, but my standards for anticonsumerist media are admittedly a little ridiculous and I really enjoy the topics.
posted by Eyelash to Home & Garden (6 answers total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
Not exactly your specs. But would you be interested in a thatcher (i.e., person who makes and repairs thatch roofs on houses) who makes videos of his projects on TikToK? I like following along as the projects progress. Cool tools. Technical expertise. Outdoors. This video is just thatching sounds. Nice.
posted by EllaEm at 1:04 AM on July 27, 2023

How about my Pampa Cottage?
It's mainly made for my Mum and a couple of friends, the production values are zero and my views are low double digits, but it meets all your other criteria!
Mods, please delete if this is self promotion.
posted by conifer at 2:41 AM on July 27, 2023

I also like Mossy Bottom, Edible Acres, Red Gardens, Liz Zorab, and Self Sufficient Me.
Yes, I have a problem.
posted by conifer at 4:12 AM on July 27, 2023

I like Anne of All Trades, from her bio "I became "Anne of All Trades" out of necessity. 10 years ago I got my first pet, planted my first seed and picked up my first tool. With no background in farming or making things, I wanted to learn to raise my own food, fix things when they break, and build the things I needed."
posted by ljesse at 7:14 AM on July 27, 2023

Epic Gardening and the related Epic Homesteading might fit this.
posted by majikstreet at 9:12 AM on July 27, 2023

Simple Living Alaska might fit your parameters. Lately all the videos have been about pouring a giant concrete pad, but older ones are good.
posted by Ms Vegetable at 3:53 PM on August 2, 2023

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