Who do I call for office security in Manhattan?
May 2, 2006 6:44 AM

Who should I call for an office burglar alarm system in Manhattan?

We want to put a burglar alarm system in our office in Manhattan. I called ADT and got a quote from them, Brinks' local dealer is too flakey. I don't want to go with ADT on only one quote, but if I look up 'alarm system' in yp.yahoo.com, there are a few hundred matches, and I have no idea where to start. Any specific recommendations?
posted by jeb to Work & Money (2 answers total)
I'm not in NYC, but I work for a security company in Chicago. I'd suggest going with a company that isn't afraid to discuss price over the phone, consider how long they've been in business, and one that values perimeter protection over all else. While not direly important, it's always nice when a security company has their own local central station (UL preferably), as opposed to your call going out to Florida, or some other far off call center, where they haven't the vaguest clue of your actual "locale."

Be sure to examine your contracts (watch out for rate elevators and evergreen clauses) carefully, and ask if your system is proprietary. That is, is this equipment capable of being serviced by another company, in addition to being able to transfer your monitoring to another company.
posted by AllesKlar at 9:54 AM on May 2, 2006

Whoah, thanks for the info. I didn't realize there was such a thing as non-proprietary equipment. Good tips.
posted by jeb at 10:30 AM on May 2, 2006

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