Please help us obtain a Canadian marriage license.
July 9, 2023 1:44 AM

Next week we'll be flying up to Vancouver, BC, and we plan to get married in a civil ceremony July 24th.

(We've been together since 2010 and unofficially married since 2015. Fun fact: Israel has no secular marriage option. You can be married by a rabbi, a priest or a qadi but not by any kind of civil authority.) So, our plan is in place, but the only unknown part has to do with the marriage license. According to this official website, "The marriage licence issuer may accept a passport or driver’s licence in some circumstances." But… it doesn't specify what those circumstances might be. Being able to obtain the license just by showing our passports would, of course, be the easiest solution. failing that, I'm worried things might get a bit dicey. I thought I had my English-language birth certificate handy, but haven't been able to find it so far, while my wife's birth certificate is in Hebrew and also shows a different last name than her current one. (We'll also be traveling with our 5-year-old daughter, who obviously has her own passport, and she has both of our last names, which might be helpful…?) So, if anyone has any knowledge or tips about the best place to handle this in the Vancouver, BC area, it would be most appreciated.
posted by Silky Slim to Grab Bag (4 answers total)
There are a ton of issuers with phone numbers listed on the site you linked - why not call and ask?
posted by mskyle at 3:50 AM on July 9, 2023

mskyle is right, you should just call. Government services and bureaucratic wayfinding are pretty good here.
posted by mhoye at 7:13 AM on July 9, 2023

I got mine from London Drugs, this FAQ also mentions them as a convenient option .
posted by Jon Mitchell at 3:30 PM on July 9, 2023

You can get a marriage license in-person at London Drugs with primary ID of both parties. Passports can be used as primary ID.
posted by dokodomo at 7:56 PM on July 10, 2023

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