Story about a guy who trapped opossums and released them near his house?
July 5, 2023 7:29 PM

A few days ago there was a post on the blue about opossums. It made me remember the funny story I saw online in the last few years, sort of a This American Life-type story or maybe a Twitter thread, about a guy who got a job or started a business trapping and releasing unwanted opossums that were in people's yards.

He was then supposed to release them a certain distance away so they wouldn't come back, but instead he started just releasing them in his own neighborhood to save on driving out of town to the appropriate place. His neighborhood then developed an opossum overpopulation problem that he had to deal with. There was maybe a realization that there are only supposed to be like 3 opossums per square mile as they are solitary and like a lot of territory.

I cannot find this online - I think it may be a different animal? I am almost certain I did read this in the last few years. Can anyone recall this story and find a link to it?
posted by lizard music to Pets & Animals 3 users marked this as a favorite
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