Shreveport, La Resources after storm
June 16, 2023 8:49 AM

There was a bad storm, my mom is taking care of my grandmother on hospice who requires 24 hour care. She has no power and minimal communication and none of the assistance in terms of aides she usually has. EMTs have been by, provided a breathing treatment for her this morning. Any leads for help?

In short, home hospice said wait for city announcements. So at this moment they are sheltering in place and hoping for the best. I have other family outside of the city, but they are unable to get to their location due to downed powerlines on their property and the road conditions. House is ok. Any leads for up to date news or assistance so I can keep track for my mom would be helpful. I'm following the general news sources KTLA and KTBS.
posted by AlexiaSky to Grab Bag (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I’m sorry to hear this. Have you tried 211 or 311?
posted by bendy at 5:18 PM on June 16, 2023

I would ask this question in the Shreveport subreddit. If you are not a redditor/don’t have enough karma/need help with this, I would be happy to post the question on your behalf.
posted by MexicanYenta at 5:28 PM on June 16, 2023

Reddit is asking the same questions I am mostly. Gotten into about a few useful things. The 3pm press conference was asking for people to call in to identify locations for cooling shelters but there wasn't an active list then. Mom says they are okay tonight and hopefully by tomorrow morning the city will be more organized . They do have food and water. My grandmother is fluid restricted bc sodium issues but dehydration is more of a concern today than hyponatrimia. She's seems okay enough at the moment.

Biggest issue aside from needing nebulizer medication ( which is solved, someone brought by oxygen tanks) is that my grandmother is bedbound so moving her takes alot of effort and my mom is a small human being who usually uses hired help. Getting her anywhere aside by ambulance is very very difficult. Of course if she goes to the ER her hospice is discontinued which isn't what we want either.

My grandfathers nursing home in the area was without power and so was the nearest hospital (both on generators) as of this afternoon.

My brother is going to have a better chance to get there tomorrow as the main roads are getting cleared provided he can get around the lines on his property. They have another property in the area also without power, if it gets power first they may consider moving her, but that is a difficult task see above.
posted by AlexiaSky at 6:09 PM on June 16, 2023

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