Recommend me the perfect decibel monitor
May 26, 2023 1:49 AM

I'm on the committee of a community hall that frequently gets noise complaints. I'd like to install a clearly visible decibel meter in the premises. Please recommend me the best devices you know of.

Do decibel meters exist with the following features?
  • Displays separate readout for bass
  • Wifi-connected so it logs readings to the internet
Also, is there anything else I should be aware of? E.g. best position for it to be placed, how to make hall users aware of it, risks of tampering or interference, anything else?
posted by snarfois to Technology (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Also, mains-powered so it can be on permanently without running out of battery.
posted by snarfois at 1:52 AM on May 26, 2023

Most decibel meters are portable and battery operated, however you may want to look into industrial health/safety companies for something larger and permanent. Example. However they don't offer networked logging. At that point you're getting into a full factory monitoring system (example) and that's overkill unless you're handy with some of the technologies involved.

There also seem to be some noname devices on Amazon that could fit your requirements, though. Not sure if the wifi protocol is open and available or if you're stuck with their mystery app to use it.

As an aside, there is no distinction between treble and bass when it comes to sound pressure readings. They're all waves in the air. If you think of them like ocean waves it's the height of the wave that makes a higher decibel reading, not how frequently they arrive.

If you're trying to mitigate sound in a building, especially when it comes to people playing bass-heavy music, you have other considerations about the transmission of vibrations through walls and floors. A decibel meter won't really measure the problem there. Good luck!
posted by JoeZydeco at 7:57 AM on May 26, 2023

The sound levels inside and outside the hall are going to be rather different (though correlated), and the sound level outside the hall is what's going to generate complaints. Ideally you'd want the sound levels to be measured outside and displayed inside, but I don't know if such a thing exists.

Googling around, it seems like you're looking for "unattended noise monitoring". This one seems to be targeted towards AirBnB hosts who are off-site but want to keep guests from partying. Since it's not geared towards full-scale industrial use, it might fit your needs relatively well. It allows you to monitor the noise levels remotely and has an "outdoor mode" (though battery-operated.) It can also send a text to your "guests" to tell them to keep it down if the noise levels get too high. However, it doesn't split out the bass signal.
posted by Johnny Assay at 8:15 AM on May 26, 2023

Thanks for the suggestions! The first one is actually the one I'm currently considering. I've not been able to find product specs other than that on Amazon or Aliexpress but it would appear that it can connect with the Tuya Smart IoT app, and record historical data. I'm hoping that's available via the internet, rather than requiring me to be in the premises. I'll have to take a chance and test it since I don't think there's a manufacturer's website.

I've not seen the Minut yet! That's certainly a more professional-looking product, but it has a subscription pricing model, so a lot more expensive. If the first one doesn't do the job, I'll look at this.

Obviously noise levels for neighbours also depends on whether windows are open or not, but it's neat that these also incorporate a temperature monitor, so you can understand why people are opening windows and factor that into the response.
posted by snarfois at 9:16 AM on May 26, 2023

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