Japanese school shoes, in Seattle?
May 18, 2023 4:02 PM

Where can I buy some Japanese girl’s school shoes, white ones, in Seattle? The person they’re for wears US women’s size 10 or 10 1/2 shoes.
posted by The corpse in the library to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Try Nordstrom for both mary jane style or penny loafer style.
posted by tipsyBumblebee at 4:37 PM on May 18, 2023

If by "school shoes" you mean the indoor, slipper-like shoes that students change into from their street shoes, looking for uwabaki or uwagutsu may get you closer. The Hosekibako resale shop at JCCW may have some, or perhaps can steer you to a local source. You can buy them online as well. I want to say I saw them on an endcap at Uwajimaya once? Might be worth a call?
posted by xedrik at 5:21 PM on May 18, 2023

Yeah I'd be calling Uwajimaya for this first. You might have a hard time finding them in such a large size though, like even in Japan you might have a hard time.
posted by potrzebie at 5:27 PM on May 18, 2023

Yes, I mean the indoor slippers for school.
posted by The corpse in the library at 6:22 PM on May 18, 2023

Nowhere in Seattle as far as I know. I’ve been buying them for years for my kiddo who needs them for preschool, from rakuten.co.jp or when visiting Japan. Will be trying Amazon.jp next because shipping is less of a hassle. Moonstar brand is our go-to and they make the size you’re looking for.
posted by maiamai at 10:55 PM on May 18, 2023

We got the Moonstar ones from Amazon.jp and it was all fine. Thanks!
posted by The corpse in the library at 3:42 PM on May 31, 2023

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