Jaw misalignment: What to do while waiting for p/t
May 8, 2023 11:57 AM

I have something going on with my jaw, my official diagnosis is that the condyles are not fully seating and the lower jaw is pushed forward. (I think there is probably some asymmetry as well). I am not in any pain, but I am having trouble talking clearly and eating, and it just feels really, really off. The dentist has referred me to physical therapy, but the earliest appointment I could get was in four weeks. Is there anything I can in the meantime to alleviate some of the symptoms?
posted by nanook to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I woke up one day unable to close my mouth as my jaw had shifted over about a cm. I was prescribed a muscle relaxer (baclofen) by a doctor at a walk-in clinic and could fully close my mouth by the next day. I also used a heating pad to help loosen things up.
posted by Stoof at 12:57 PM on May 8, 2023

accupuncture has been really useful ro my jaw issues over the years
posted by wowenthusiast at 8:56 PM on May 8, 2023

This is too little information to even make a guess on what's going on. The TMJ is a joint, and like many other joints in the body it is susceptible to changes in the structures that move it and that it moves. Muscles, bone, ligaments -- any of those can get out of whack for a host of reasons.
Jaws are inherently asymmetrical. Has something happened to cause this change? Did you just wake up one day and now your teeth don't come together or you can't open all the way or there's stiffness when you try to move your jaw side to side?
Lack of pain is interesting. So, your symptoms involve lack of range of motion and what else?
Waiting four weeks for physical therapy isn't going to do you much good. By that time if there's no pain you will simply accommodate to the new way your jaw functions and start to not notice, if your teeth come together the way they should (if they don't there will eventually be pain).
I'm not your dentist, but I'd recommend treating this similarly to any joint that "feels off" but isn't causing pain. Stretch, massage the muscles, avoid over-extending (suppress yawns and avoid opening too wide), and back off if you feel pain.
Have another visit to your dentist in 2 weeks and see if that referral is still relevant.
posted by OHenryPacey at 11:56 AM on May 9, 2023

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