[META] Last call for Steering Committee nominations
March 22, 2023 1:05 PM

PSA: This week is the last call for user nominations to the second Steering Committee to help set policy and oversee the site budget for the year ahead. Do you want to help chart a course for this community (or know someone who would make a great pick)? Send in your nominations today! More details from the full MetaTalk post inside.

The Steering Committee (SC) is a group of MeFites elected last fall to consult with staff on managing the site's direction. Faced with a financial crunch, we were able to mount a successful fundraiser, including a community auction, a compelling slate of online events, new merch, sponsored posts, and a groundswell of volunteer projects and member contributions. This led to a draft budget securing new tools and roles to improve the site's financial condition. With the first six month term now closed, we're seeking new members to oversee this new budget as well as policy changes and feature improvements for the year ahead.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, email metafiltersc@gmail.com with the subject line "Steering Committee Self-Nomination" and the following in the email body: [notes in brackets can be replaced]
USERNAME: [your primary active MetaFilter account]

FULL NAME: [seen only by staff/SC and not shared]

PERSONAL INFORMATION: [As much as you're comfortable sharing; we're looking for a diverse group of MeFites to better reflect and advocate for the full range of community experience]

SKILLS: [Outline the skills or professional experience you bring to the SC and how you hope to use it]

ACCESSIBILITY: [Describe any accessibility needs to help you participate in SC meetings and discussions.]

YOUR METAFILTER EXPERIENCE: [What do you like most about MetaFilter? What do you think needs to change? If you tell someone you're on the MetaFilter Steering Committee and they ask "What is MetaFilter? Why are you on the SC?" what's your answer?]

* Affirm that you agree to abide by the SC charter.
* Affirm that you can commit to a minimum 6 month term, can attend a monthly synchronous meeting, and are able to stay in regular contact with both the SC and MetaFilter staff (this is in the charter, but it's important to emphasize).
* Affirm that you will not disclose private or confidential information about users and the site that you have access to during your time on the SC.
* If you are not either selected to be or voted to be a member, are you interested in being a volunteer contributor?
We'll be accepting applications through the end of the day Saturday (the 25th), with voting to open the last week of March!
posted by Rhaomi to Grab Bag 1 user marked this as a favorite
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