Junking, thrifting, antiquing in Nashville
January 25, 2023 9:28 AM

I will have 6 hours or so to kill in Nashville this weekend, ostensibly East Nashville, and would like to know about thrift stores, antique malls, junk shops, curiosity shops, used book stores, and the like that people have fun in. Not looking to buy Aunt Millie's Revolutionary War era chair, but happy to look at it. Places with used books and art are a plus, but I like pretty much any old thing. Willing to drive away from East Nashville, but the further the place the bigger it should be.

Places I've been in Nashville that meet this definition:

McKays Used Books -- 2 thumbs up. Great children's book selection
Turnip Greens Creative Reuse - interesting enough, but more a "to there for something specific because you know you're likely to find it" type place than a "browse for cool junk" place, in my opinion, but enjoyable none the less
The Goodwill Distribution Warehouse - wow

Thank you!
posted by AbelMelveny to Shopping (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
In East Nashville there's Defunct Books, in the Five Points neighborhood. Over on the other side of town there's Rhino Booksellers, which is a very good place to browse (and has a lovely cat called Charlotte).

A little further out there's Elder's Bookstore, which bills itself as 'the oldest and finest bookstore in Tennessee'. I haven't been there so can't report personally. As of last July their building was listed for sale, so they may not be in business for very much longer, which I suppose is an argument for going there while you still can.

But, but, but, if you're in Nashville this weekend and you like junk shops you should most definitely go to the Flea Market in the Fairgrounds, which runs from Fri 27 to Sun 29 Jan.
posted by verstegan at 10:48 AM on January 25, 2023

McKay’s Used Books in Belle Meade is a great place to browse for an hour or two.

Edit: Woops, I see you’ve been there before. May be worth another visit, though!
posted by dean_deen at 11:03 AM on January 25, 2023

East Nashville Antiques is worth a look!
posted by zoetrope at 11:55 AM on January 25, 2023

Starland Vintage & Unusual
Rhino Booksellers -- really good selection!
Grimey's record store
posted by microscopiclifeform at 4:54 PM on January 25, 2023

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