Birthday card reminder app?
January 3, 2023 3:37 PM

Currently I'm using Cardhop to remind me when birthdays are coming up, so I can mail a card. I'd like an app that changes the reminder to a To Do item. Any suggestions?

Here's the situation I want to fix. Say it's Manny's birthday on Friday, but I'm traveling and don't get around to mailing him a card that week. Then Monday rolls around, I'm home, Manny's birthday is in the past, and I forget to ever send him one. I would much rather send a late card than no card at all.

Instead, I want to have a list of all upcoming birthdays, and when I send the card I tick the box and that name goes away for eleven months.

I can think of ways to do this on paper, but an app would be better.
posted by The corpse in the library to Technology (4 answers total)
Do you use any sort of task manager currently? For example, in Outlook make each birthday a 'task' with a start date a week before the birthday, a due date _on_ the birthday, and a recurrence of 1 year, with no end date (or an end date when that person would reach 200 years old, if you're not feeling optimistic about medical advances in the future ). Many calendar applications that support task have those functions, I think.
posted by TimHare at 7:27 PM on January 3, 2023

I have a bunch of birthdays in gCal & set reminders a day in advance for the important ones (so I can call/email/text); it's too bad I can't batch-update those reminders to USPS lengths of time (or maybe I can!). If you're inputting reminders for the first time, set them for 10 days in advance?
posted by knucklebones at 7:31 PM on January 3, 2023

It isn't just reminders that I need: I need the reminder to stay in a To Do list until I send the card, when I can check it off the list.
posted by The corpse in the library at 1:32 PM on January 5, 2023

Manny is happy to get a card from you at any time ☺️

I have nothing substantive to add here.
posted by phunniemee at 8:16 PM on January 10, 2023

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