UPS My Choice login problem
December 6, 2022 6:11 AM

I'm expecting a UPS package and wanted to schedule delivery on a day I'll be home. Went to the UPS My Choice site and signed up using an email address and a new password. They created an account for me using those login credentials.

When I go to actually schedule the delivery, I get a notice stating that there's an existing account which uses either the same mailing address, a variant of my name or the the same email address. Lo and behold, I find an email from 2020 from UPS My Choice going to the same email address, so I must have created an account in the past. I don't understand why they let me create a new login if the email address was already in their system, rather than making me do a password recovery. Is there any way out of this? If I use a different email address and create another login, it will probably flag the shared physical address, so I haven't tried that.
posted by Larry David Syndrome to Grab Bag (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I believe UPS migrated their My Choice platform a few years ago. This could have lead to the inconsistency you're seeing.

I would start by logging out of UPS, and then go back to the login page. Instead you logging in, request a password reset. If you are lucky, that reset request will be connected to your old account, and you'll be able to log in and use it.

You could also try doing this from a different web browser, in case there are cookies connecting your current browser to your new (unusable) account.
posted by Winnie the Proust at 7:35 AM on December 6, 2022

Here's what worked, a slight variation on WTP's suggestion. Incognito window. Went to the login page, started username recovery, which sent a list of two separate usernames to my e-mail. (WTF? Two usernames linked to the same email address is not a thing that a website should ever allow in the first place.) Used my old username and initiated a password reset on it which sent an authentication text to my phone. Did that, reset my p/w and was able to log in and reschedule my package.
posted by Larry David Syndrome at 4:16 PM on December 6, 2022

(WTF? Two usernames linked to the same email address is not a thing that a website should ever allow in the first place.)

I'm not sure it makes complete sense in the context of UPS My Choice, but it makes a ton of sense for managed accounts, where a parent manages a child's account (or an adult child manages an elderly parent's account).

Two accounts with the same email address that use email as the login should never be allowed, at least outside of very specialized use cases, but I'm not sure I see much of a problem with two usernames with the same email so long as forgot password is keyed to username, not email (otherwise it might not be possible to reset one account or the other, depending on how it's setup).

Anyway, I've found My Choice to be flaky at best, so I'm glad you at least got everything sorted out.
posted by tubedogg at 6:53 PM on December 6, 2022

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