Who made this record player?
November 25, 2022 11:10 PM

The player was in the backround in the hospital scene of "The Godfather." It looks like the front is one big horn. Any idea who made it?
posted by Marky to Technology (4 answers total)
It looks a bit like an RCA 6-HF-5 New Orthophonic High Fidelity or maybe the 7 HF 45 via ddg
posted by Lanark at 6:03 AM on November 26, 2022

It looks like the front is one big horn

The Godfather's setting is post-WW2, so it's extremely unlikely to be an acoustic record player if that's what you're suggesting by 'horn'. It's a loudspeaker grille not unlike the one on this RCA 6 XD5 radio. There's also a vague hint of a light-coloured bakelite pickup arm on the right-hand side over the grille, and the back looks like it's a lid.

The images in Lanark's search indeed suggest it's an 1950-ish RCA record player, but I haven't seen the exact model among them.
posted by Stoneshop at 9:23 AM on November 26, 2022

There are multi-cellular horn loaded drivers (speakers), by the way, but the scale is wrong- the cells don’t seem to come smaller than 4 inches across & these are more like 1 1/2”.
posted by ASCII Costanza head at 8:55 PM on November 27, 2022

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