Contract-less, low fee entry system
October 17, 2022 9:04 AM   Subscribe

It feels like my condo board is overpaying for service and maintenance on our keyless entry system, and I want to point them toward some better options, if they exist. Do they, in 2022?

We currently have a Linear EC callbox, serviced by a local company called KeyedIn. In addition to a $50 monthly fee just to have it connected to a phone line, we also have to pay KeyedIn $200 every time we want to add or remove numbers from the system, and schedule a tech to come out and do this.

The box is coming to the end of its life, and I'd like to replace it with a system similar to the one that we had before - where we could do all of the number maintenance, had a cheaper phone line, and we paid only for repairs on the system as needed. In the age of subscription / X-as-service rackets, does such a thing still exist?
posted by ryanshepard to Home & Garden (3 answers total)
Best answer: My condo building just installed one this weekend:
We paid a little over $4000 for it, and there is no need to run a phone line. It costs $90 to have new phone numbers programmed in (not sure if a tech needs to come out or it can be done remotely), but that cost is charged to the unit making the changes, not the HOA.
posted by Atrahasis at 9:21 AM on October 17, 2022

Most places I've seen in California uses Door King Systems (DKS) and their fees are a bit complicated as individual sellers can add their own markups. Maybe just ask a local vendor for some quotes and options?
posted by kschang at 12:35 PM on October 17, 2022

Best answer:
Not sure if this will save you money, but: My building just lately switched to Butterfly MX, a door intercom that also has an app. It requires an internet connection instead of a phone line, but it can be programmed by an admin user on your board-- I'm actually the guy who programs ours.

I don't know what the cost is, to be honest-- I wasn't on the board when the purchase went through and it coincided with a bunch of other building upgrades (keyfob locks for ext. doors and elevators, a security system with IP cameras). Quick research indicates $4-5K for the base intercom box (we have) and $42/unit/year as the annual cost, so work out $3.50xthe number of units for your monthly cost. Internet service is required and extra.

As a regular user, I can use the app to view the camera whenever someone tries my number; I can generate one-time or term-use entry codes ("virtual keys") for deliveries, and I can see when they were used. The app gets a ring whenever someone tries me from the front door directory. If I lived with someone, they too would get a ring; you're not limited to 1 phone-user per unit.

As an admin I can see all activity, see captured images of entrants, add and remove residents and owners really easily. And, not too fine a point, it has motivated residents to give us their cell numbers and email addresses, something we've had a hard time collecting.

Butterfly MX support has been good when we've needed it; our one big problem was that our new internet connection for all the new stuff wasn't billing our property manager correctly, so it got cut off! Not butterfly's fault, and internet restored total function. Our main hang-up is location specific: our building faces the setting sun, so the bright sky background makes sure any people facing the camera are unrecognizable. Oh well.

BTW, if you do go with Doorking or stick with Linear, make sure to get the main key, which opens the box, re-keyed. Doorking uses a very standard key called the 16001; Linear uses the 222343, and each key can be purchased online for $12-15. With those keys I can open the call box and hit a button for entry on any standard Doorking or Linear.
posted by Sunburnt at 3:26 PM on October 17, 2022 [3 favorites]

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