How do I find a person who can help me organize my digital files?
October 3, 2022 5:57 AM

The file system I have used for many years to organize my digital work documents is breaking down under the demands of a new role. I would really appreciate a few hours of consultation time with someone who can help me design a new folder hierarchy/strategy. How do I find this person?

I'm exhausted and overwhelmed, so having an actual human to walk and talk me through the process of figuring out a better approach to managing my files would be amazing. In the grand scheme of things, though, mine is a small system, so I don't think I need a full-on project management consultant - or do I? I don't have a team, and I'm not a big organization.

Have you suggestions about how I could find someone to help with this? Are there search terms or professional titles I should use in my hunt? Are there particular sites or directories I could consult? Would this be a request I could post on MeFi Jobs? Could you recommend someone who does this kind of work?

I'm in Toronto, Canada, but a virtual conversation would be totally fine. It would be extra-great to find someone who understands how neurodivergence intersects with organizational challenges.

I will be deeply grateful for any guidance you can offer.
posted by Hellgirl to Work & Money (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Underemployed library science grad student?

This might be a good fit for MeFi Jobs. Lurking up there ⤤
posted by snuffleupagus at 6:06 AM on October 3, 2022

Here's a general comment about hiring an organizer from MeFi's own professional organizer, The Wrong Kind of Cheese.

Seems like a good place to start would be the Professional Organizers in Canada site - lets you specify that you're looking for help with digital stuff and ADD/ADHD needs (which may not be exactly your brand of neurodiversity but probably helps you narrow down the list).

Since you're open to working remotely you could also check out the US organizations that The Wrong Kind of Cheese mentions.

I think you'll get much better results with someone with actual professional organizing experience rather than someone with interest in organization.
posted by mskyle at 6:41 AM on October 3, 2022

I'm a digital archivist and records manager in my day job. I would definitely look for someone who has skill sets in either of these areas, since managing messy file systems is often part of our work. MeFi has so many librarian/archivist types that I second the suggestion of posting this to MeFi jobs.
posted by mostly vowels at 9:24 AM on October 3, 2022

You need an information architect (IA) or an archivist. A good place to find an IA or someone who practices information architecture and who's looking for small demonstration projects is a college or grad program that teaches user experience (UX).
posted by ImproviseOrDie at 11:01 AM on October 3, 2022

Thank you so much for all of these answers! The librarian/archivist direction is a really useful one, and I appreciate that pointer towards The Wrong Kind of Cheese's epic guide to professional organizers!
posted by Hellgirl at 4:21 PM on October 3, 2022

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