Dimensions of Settlers of Catan pieces
August 19, 2022 12:23 AM

I need to get the dimensions of some specific parts of the Settlers of Catan game with the Cities and Knights extension.

I’m making a custom board for my parents, who play it almost daily. I want to make a box that holds the new pieces as well as the other odds and ends, but need the dimensions to make sure the box will fit everything. I can find a list of the parts online but not the specific dimensions.

The dimensions I need:
All of the cards (resource, commodity and progress)
The flipbooks that keep track of the commodity upgrades
A rough estimate of the space for all the wooden pieces (roads, villages, cities, knights, etc).

If someone with better Google-fu can find them, or someone who has the the game and the inclination to measure them, it would be very helpful! Thanks in advance :)
posted by twirlypen to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
I think that some of the pieces changed shape & size in the updated version that came out in around 2007, so you might need to find out which version they are using.
posted by biffa at 1:16 AM on August 19, 2022

Ok my set has a copyright of 2001 on it - so if the one your parents have is later, all bets are off. I have the expansion as well, I can't remember if that came with extra commodity and progress cards or not but I don't think so - I think the difference is just 2 extra sets of player pieces and 2 extra flipbooks.

- Flipbooks - each one is 20.4cm x 7.3cm x 1cm (the flippy cardboard bits are not that thick, but the rings are roughly 1cm in diameter)
- Resource/commodity/progress cards - each individual card is 5.5cm x 8cm.
- Resource deck - 3.5cm thick
- Commodity deck - 1.5cm thick
- Progress & defender cards - 1.7cm thick

For each colour of player pieces, I have them split into two bags per colour (mostly to make it easier to play simple Catan or Cities & Knights). The bag of cities + villages + roads is approximately 6.5cm x 6.5cm x 1.5cm. The bag of knights and city walls is approximately 8cm x 3cm x 1.5cm but they could probably squish more. You could probably fit all the pieces in a single bag of 8cm x 9cm x 1.5cm (per colour).

There is also a miscellaneous bag of dice, robber/barbarian, 3 metropolis arches, merchant which is approximately 8cm x 8cm x 2cm.

The round number pieces that you put on the land when stacked up are a bit shy of 2cm in diameter and 2.4cm tall.

When you say you are making the board, I assume that means the land and ocean hexes plus frame. Just in case it doesn't, here are those dimensions.
- Hex tiles are 8cm x 9cm, deck of land is 2.6cm thick, deck of ocean is 2.5cm thick
- Edge/frame pieces are irregularly shaped, roughly stacked together they are approximately 25cm x 11cm x 1.5cm (includes the double barbarian hex)

All of these things fit in a cardboard box that is (on the bottom) 29cm x 23cm x 5.4cm and has a bit of room to spare for manuals etc.

Hope this helps!
posted by Athanassiel at 3:17 AM on August 19, 2022

Thanks Athanassiel! I think theirs is fairly old, and those dimensions sound about right. Much appreciated!
posted by twirlypen at 1:35 PM on August 19, 2022

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