What guitar-related thing should I treat myself to?
August 18, 2022 9:32 AM

I recently sold my first 2 pro-level SF&F stories (yay!) To commemorate this, I want to get myself something guitar-related, so I can look at it twenty years from now and remember this feeling.

I'm a bit over 50, have played guitar for most of my life, am middling at it, don't play in a band or in public, record a bit (some stuff on Music), and every now and then get together to jam with a friend.
I have a mim Telecaster and a 20 watt orange amp. I have about twenty pedals, from super cheap joyos up to a JHS Muffuletta as my most 'boutique' specimen.
I play blues/rock, with a tendency to post-rockish stuff like This Will Destroy You, but my tastes are fairly wide. I've been playing around with '80s stuff (like VH) lately but I don't really have the chops.
I want to spend the local purchasing-power equivalent ofUSD$400-$600
So, I was planning to get another guitar, probably something with humbuckers to get a different tone from the Tele. But I've been looking at a bunch of guitars (Fender, Squier, Epiphone, Jackson, Solar, Chapman, Ibanez) and I've not fallen in love with anything.
I have a spreadsheet with 20 or so options and nothing feels right.
I've been thinking of maybe getting one or more expensive pedals but I don't know if that would have the same symbolism of a guitar.
To complicate things, I'm in Chile, where there are less options and they're more expensive, hardly any in-person second-hand stores, and many of the larger stores are still in Covid mode with only online purchasing.
I know this is a personal issue and you can't really know what I'll like, but what do you suggest?
posted by signal to Media & Arts (33 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
How about giving yourself the gift of professional lessons to improve your skill, and give yourself the permission of time to practice? More skill at an instrument doesn't always mean more joy playing it but it's one of the surer paths forward.
posted by seanmpuckett at 9:49 AM on August 18, 2022

Left field suggestion, but you already have a pretty good rig and aside from another guitar or amp, I don't know that anything would be a huge upgrade. So... what if you bought a bass? You have the knowledge you need to play it already; the strings and frets are the same as a guitar, just an octave lower. But physically it's different and would be give you both the challenge of learning something new and the thrill of eventually succeeding. It would definitely be memorable, and you'd then be able to add some interesting depth to your recordings and jams.
posted by kevinbelt at 9:58 AM on August 18, 2022

seanmpuckett: "How about giving yourself the gift of professional lessons to improve your skill, "

That's a good suggestion and makes sense, but I'm thinking of this as more of a trophy than just a quality-of-life thing. Something physical I can look at and touch.

kevinbelt: "what if you bought a bass? "

That's such a great idea that I did it two years ago when the first lockdown started. I actually had it delivered less than an hour before the lockdown went into effect.
posted by signal at 10:04 AM on August 18, 2022

E-bows are a lot of fun.

You could also swap one of the pickups in your telecaster to humbucker that lets you split coils. (I put a Seymour Duncan in the neck position on my Stratocaster an switch it with a push-pull volume pot)
posted by jonathanhughes at 10:06 AM on August 18, 2022

Is there a pedal that has tasty "Sci-Fi" and/or "Fantasy" sounding effects? It's tangible; you can hold it and look at it. It's small so it won't be in your way. And if you wanted to noodle around on a "soundtrack" for the stories while you admired you're work's physical avatar, it would help you sound "suitable" :)

AND congratulations!
Possible options here but I'm pedal-agnostic
posted by adekllny at 10:07 AM on August 18, 2022

Congrats! How about a beautiful leather strap with something symbolic tooled on it? I always liked the Ed strap worn by Barenaked Ladies' lead guitarist Ed Robertson. Etsy has lots of makers doing custom straps.

You could also get a leather belt (the kind you wear to hold up pants) with a no-scratch buckle to protect your guitars (search "musician belt" "mechanics belt", "no-scratch belt", "no-scratch buckle" for ideas).
posted by nouvelle-personne at 11:15 AM on August 18, 2022

I did it two years ago

Well damn, man!

I guess it's time for drums, huh? That way, not only will you remember this occasion; your neighbors will too!
posted by kevinbelt at 11:22 AM on August 18, 2022

Since the bass is already covered, do you have an acoustic guitar?
posted by doctord at 11:41 AM on August 18, 2022

doctord: "Since the bass is already covered, do you have an acoustic guitar?"

Yeah, a Martin backpacker, which is amazing, and a jumbo.
posted by signal at 11:46 AM on August 18, 2022

kevinbelt: "I guess it's time for drums, huh? That way, not only will you remember this occasion; your neighbors will too!"

Yes, and my (future) ex-wife would as well!
posted by signal at 11:46 AM on August 18, 2022

adekllny: "Is there a pedal that has tasty "Sci-Fi" and/or "Fantasy" sounding effects? "

That's a great idea. Might be the way to go...
posted by signal at 11:47 AM on August 18, 2022

I don't like buying guitars online, unless you have played the one you want a lot and are just wrangling for the best price. I do think one with humbuckers is a good idea because they sound so different from a Fender Telecaster. I have a 30 year old MIM Telecaster too - it's actually a great guitar.

I'm not a big fan of Squiers - I have one of those too - a Squire Fat Strat, and the tone is really harsh, and the tuners aren't great. But it looks amazing so I do play it occasionally.
posted by The_Vegetables at 11:59 AM on August 18, 2022

tasty "Sci-Fi" and/or "Fantasy" sounding effects

Fun but bad idea: looks like a Theremin is right in your budget!

My actual idea: if you travel to the US for other reasons with any sort of regularity, you could delay making the purchase until you are able to visit a guitar store with a decent selection of used instruments. I wouldn't want to buy a guitar unseen, untouched, and unheard. The gratification might be too delayed, or you just might not have a reason you're traveling to the US, but it's a thought.
posted by fedward at 12:04 PM on August 18, 2022

Perhaps a ring modulator pedal for some spooky sci-fi sounds?
posted by gnutron at 12:15 PM on August 18, 2022

The US$400-600 range is tough for new instruments -- you're still mostly looking at budget instruments that you wouldn't want to necessarily buy without playing.

That said -- if you're interested in VH-style stuff and play a Tele now, look into a really wild super-Strat with a double-locking tremolo. They are awful to restring and terrible to tune but you can divebomb to your heart's content and the pickups are usually hot as hell and the necks are fast.

Looks like Ibanez makes a balls-out Steve Vai JEM-alike at that price point that looks killer and probably plays alright.
posted by uncleozzy at 12:17 PM on August 18, 2022

Yes! A ring modulator pedal! I don't know how available it is in Chile, but the Electro Harmonix Ring Thing is incredible for space noises. Skip to about 4:40 in this video.
posted by DeWalt_Russ at 12:19 PM on August 18, 2022

Congrats on selling your writing!

I don't know enough about guitars to know if this is duplicative of what you already have, but my luthier boyfriend is so enamored of this Spark "smart" amp that he bought one for his house and one for mine.

It's kind of amazing, lets you play along with a massive library of songs, includes all kind of standard and community-sourced guitar effects and tones, mimics pedals, all kinds of training and tools, etc.

Whatever you choose, enjoy!
posted by kinsey at 12:33 PM on August 18, 2022

Maybe learn some slide? Gretch makes a cheap round neck resonator called the Boxcar. It's not cosmetically impressive but sounds great and might be a fun thing to bring to your jam sessions.
posted by brachiopod at 1:03 PM on August 18, 2022

Im definitely one to never be satisfied from most guitars either. If i may make a recommendation if you choose to purchase a guitar. I’ve noticed there is a wonderful quality in almost all brands of guitars when made in India and Indonesia. As far as the price you mentioned that youre looking to spend id certainly not go searching for a lower grade model of an expensive company. If it helps at all one of my favorite guitars is a jackson I believe its a reverse head stock dinky with a Floyd rose……..and i only spent $350 on it but it feels absolutely perfect to me.
posted by EBGuitars at 2:00 PM on August 18, 2022

I've really enjoyed your music over the years, especially the way you mix guitars and synths. How about the Boss SY-200? It is an absolutely super thing and will expand your (already expansive) sonic palette enormously. Best of all, it's fun to fool around with if you're not a hardcore technical player.
posted by srednivashtar at 2:12 PM on August 18, 2022

something with humbuckers to get a different tone from the Tele

I have a spreadsheet with 20 or so options

In that spreadsheet are there possibilities from the Gretsch Electromatic line? Or Danelectro's? Or a Mustang, Jazzmaster, or Jaguar? Or something with P-90 pickups in it (like this Epiphone Casino or Les Paul Special?) Any of these will sound noticeably different than the Tele if guitars in the standard "humbucker" way aren't grabbing you.

(Personally, after my FrankenTele the guitar that gets the most use is my Squier J. Mascis Jazzmaster, which is sadly no longer in production, but the pickups are closer to P-90's than standard Jazzmaster pickups. I've only really ever "clicked" with one humbucker-loaded guitar, and I wound up replacing the pickups anyway. So yeah, me I'd lean towards a P-90 loaded guitar.)
posted by soundguy99 at 3:16 PM on August 18, 2022

kinsey: "Congrats on selling your writing!"

srednivashtar: "I've really enjoyed your music over the years"
Thank you!

srednivashtar: "How about the Boss SY-200? "
That looks really cool. Will look into it.

soundguy99: "In that spreadsheet are there possibilities from the Gretsch Electromatic line? Or Danelectro's? Or a Mustang, Jazzmaster, or Jaguar? "

I have my eye on a Gretsch baritone, but it's one of the shops that's gone online only, so I can't try it out. I did try the local Danelectro distributor, but they only had lipstick-equipped guitars, which seems too similar to the Tele.
posted by signal at 4:49 PM on August 18, 2022

EBGuitars: "one of my favorite guitars is a jackson I believe its a reverse head stock dinky with a Floyd rose……..and i only spent $350 on it but it feels absolutely perfect to me."

I was thinking of a Jackson JS32 DKA in natural oil. It looks cool, but alas I can't try it out.
posted by signal at 4:54 PM on August 18, 2022

If you're considering a pedal that can get you some sci-fi tones, I'd recommend the Hotone Xtomp. I'm surprised this pedal didn't make a bigger splash in the market; maybe tone snobs are unwilling to embrace a modeling pedal? Anyway, it's capable of doing nearly anything- amplifier emulation, gain (overdrive/distortion/fuzz), modulation (reverb/delay/compression/flange/phase/chorus), and a bunch of weird stuff like ring modulation, bit crushing, and lots more. You connect to it via Bluetooth to upload whatever pedal you want, the halo LEDs around the knobs light up to indicate what each knob does, and off you go. I've really enjoyed some of the Marshall amp emulations, as well as combo pedals like octave fuzz, distortion with flanger, etc.

I have one on my pedalboard with some higher-end pedals from Strymon, Keeley, and Analogman, and it works well when I want some random effect that's not worth purchasing an entire pedal just for one song or to find out whether I like it.
posted by EKStickland at 10:05 PM on August 18, 2022

Get the Jackson. Fuck P-90s you need a humbucker in your life. I am a Jackson fanboy so I'm biased, but that 12"-16" radius fretboard is a delight to play. Plus you can always swap out the stock pickups later for something nicer. I love Floyds but they are a bit fiddly. But once you get them setup they are rock solid.
posted by Billy Rubin at 10:10 PM on August 18, 2022

How about a vocoder?
posted by inexorably_forward at 10:25 PM on August 18, 2022

Gamechanger audio pedals are really something else. How about an infra red “spring reverb”? Or a distortion that uses plasma? They make unique sounds and are unusual enough to stand out from other pedals. Here’s a synth guy investigating the “spring reverb” I mentioned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55bm4_ZthVE

The Chase Bliss Automatone pedal also looks amazing from more of a normal-guitar-sounds angle: https://youtu.be/qOqZ_XtN9sE
posted by aesop at 12:10 AM on August 19, 2022

You like playing blues? Get a Recording King resonator guitar. Pretty good value in a lower price range. Also, you don't have to worry too much about it getting damaged during shipping.
posted by zaelic at 2:40 AM on August 19, 2022

Gear comes and goes: tattoos are forever. Get some ink that you can admire each time you play as a reminder of this wonderful feeling.
posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs at 6:08 AM on August 19, 2022

How about a baritone guitar? I have one of these, and have loved it.
posted by TheCoug at 9:04 PM on August 20, 2022

Yeah, I've been eying one. It's in the 'can't go to store to test it', but I still might get one.
posted by signal at 8:58 AM on August 21, 2022

How's the Bigsby? It's about $100 difference.
posted by signal at 9:00 AM on August 21, 2022

I’ve been extremely happy with the Epiphone Les Paul Special that soundguy99 linked. I also have a Telecaster, and the LP has a very different feel and sound.
posted by dmo at 9:29 AM on August 21, 2022

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