Can I Eat This? Colonoscopy Prep Edition
August 12, 2022 7:03 AM

Would a simple peanut sauce on plain pasta be ok in the run-up to my colonoscopy?

I will be having a colonoscopy next week, and I have started the low-fiber, low-residue diet leading up to the procedure. This is my second colonoscopy, so I think I have a good handle on these things but, as always, the instructions never cover all bases.

In the list of “Good Choices” for foods, there is smooth peanut butter, plain pasta, and chicken. I’m looking at these and it occurs to me, that’s the base of a very simple, yet perfectly acceptable peanut sauce-based meal. Except, there is nothing on either the “Good” or “Avoid” lists that might encompass either coconut milk or soy sauce.

Now, the “Avoid” list includes plain coconut, but that’s because of its fibrous nature. Coconut milk is entirely fiber-free. Sauces and condiments are nowhere to be found on either list, but the warnings to avoid anything containing seeds, skins, pulp, and the color red pretty much tell me to avoid salsas, ketchup, chili flakes, etc. But, something like soy sauce would seem to be okay, at least to my thinking.

Chicken is on the “Good” list, but there’s no mention of how it can be prepared. Would grilled chicken be okay, given that it would be apt to have a bit of charring on the exterior? One of the points of the diet is to get stuff out of your system that might linger around and get in the way, or be confused for something bad. I can, of course, just leave the chicken out, so it’s not a big deal either way.

To be clear, I left a message with the prep nurse line on Tuesday, but have not gotten a call back yet, and the recording was very adamant that I should wait for them to call, and not call them again.

So, what say thee, GI docs and nurses of MeFi? Should I be good-to-go with this peanut sauce plan?

Bonus question...Since pasta and cheese are allowed, wouldn’t a simple mac-n-cheese be okay, too?
posted by Thorzdad to Health & Fitness (7 answers total)
IANAGID (not a GI Doc) BUT: Combining allowed ingredients (pasta, peanut butter, soy sauce, non-fiber coconut milk) should be fine. Also, a little bit of charring on the chicken is fine: they have chicken on the list and don't list any restricted cooking methods.

FWIW, I have had multiple colonoscopies, without ever getting much of a diet restriction list in advance, or if I did, not paying any attention to it, and it has never been a problem. That cleanse does a terrific job. I suppose if you ate a high-fiber diet full of seeds, etc. right up until you started the cleanse, that could be a problem, but you are not proposing to do that. Enjoy!
posted by beagle at 7:40 AM on August 12, 2022

FYI some restrictions are due to the color of the foods, darker foods makes things harder to see apparently (even if there's anything left after the cleanse, and there usually isn't). I was always told to eat "white" foods the week before, chicken and macaroni and cheese, no beef or red wine.
posted by Melismata at 7:42 AM on August 12, 2022

When I had my last colonoscopy I asked the doctor (faculty at prestigious medical hospital) why I could have black coffee that morning, but not coffee with sugar. He said he had no idea. That left me with the sense that these rules were promulgated many years ago and have just been copied and pasted since then. Not all medicine is fully evidence based.

Is it possible to ask the medical practice about specific ingredients that aren't on their list?
posted by Winnie the Proust at 8:10 AM on August 12, 2022

Is it possible to ask the medical practice about specific ingredients that aren't on their list?

I left a message with the prep nurse line on Tuesday, but have not gotten a call back yet, and the recording was very adamant that I should wait for them to call, and not call them again.
posted by Thorzdad at 8:40 AM on August 12, 2022

I’ve had 3 colonoscopies and aside from the cleanse day/night when I’m on a clear liquid diet, I’ve never been instructed to avoid anything but nuts and seeds the week prior. No food color restrictions during that period at all, and all 3 cleanses were successful.
posted by outfielder at 1:14 PM on August 12, 2022

Hi! i’m an endoscopy sedation nurse and i’ve seen all sorts of stuff floating around in patients’ guts. Whole grains like to stick around for a long time. Flax seeds are the WORST. Your meal is completely fine, there’s nothing there that would cause an issue.
posted by makonan at 6:39 PM on August 12, 2022

Thanks all! The peanut sauce was deeeeelicious. It was so good, my daughter asked for the recipe.

On to prep day!
posted by Thorzdad at 1:58 PM on August 14, 2022

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