Two Tour de France questions
July 19, 2022 8:11 AM

... that have nothing to do with cycling. A Lexus commercial, and a recurring montage of the US-based cyclists in the Tour.

1/ There's a Lexus commercial in high rotation. A male cyclist reaches the top of a climb and stops to rest. His female partner pulls up alongside in her Lexus and calls out in a chant-y, marcato cadence, "Do-you-want-some-more?" They exchange a few words and she drives off home. Because the quotation is so odd, I assume it's a cultural meme that I haven't heard. Google just gives me a lot of Oliver Twist. Do you know where "Do-you-want-some-more?" comes from?

2/ Every so often there's a montage showing how the US-national cyclists are doing so far. The background is a piece of choral music that sounds very much like Philip Glass. Shazam isn't doing it for me. Can anybody identify the music?

posted by JimN2TAW to Media & Arts (6 answers total)

Right in the beginning of the commercial there's a not-Peloton cycling trainer* who yells out "Do you want some more?!" to hype up the class. But now our guy is off the stationary bike and out on this hills, so female partner is just kind of teasing him like he's still in spin class.

*I don't know who any of the Peloton trainers are, maybe that's a real one and it's a catch phrase from a real trainer? Either way, female partner is just yelling out what the trainer says
posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug at 8:18 AM on July 19, 2022

Thanks, NSAID. The TDF version of the commercial omits the beginning of the full commercial. So that one's solved.
posted by JimN2TAW at 8:23 AM on July 19, 2022

It will help to know which particular TdF broadcast you're watching - the Peacock/NBC Sports broadcast (Bob and Phil calling it) does the US-centric rider thing, but as far as my memory serves it's just the generic NBC Sports Tour Theme, which I wouldn't be surprised to discover is yet more John Tesh.
posted by Kyol at 12:43 PM on July 19, 2022

I'm watching the NBC Sports broadcast with Phil & Bob on the USA Network.

Kyol, thanks for trying, but the track you linked isn't played anywhere in any broadcast. Sounds like it's from the 80s.

I'm looking for the background music from the 1-2-minute montage that gives the daily results of the US riders. I believe they run it once during each stage. It's choral and sounds a lot like Philip Glass. Thanks.
posted by JimN2TAW at 8:10 PM on July 19, 2022

Ah, sorry - yes, that was the ABC Wide World Of Sports 80's Tour music. I'll see if I notice it today.
posted by Kyol at 5:57 AM on July 20, 2022

AHA! If you're still seeing this, the music is "Prepare for Launch," by Frederik Wiedmann. A year after my original question, I'm again watching the Tour de France, and this time, Shazam came through for me.
posted by JimN2TAW at 12:35 PM on July 7, 2023

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